Should We Give The Pakistani Government Financial Aid?
In a word my answer to this question is yes. I am not in favor of giving aid to the Pakistanis but we must do so if it will help us to bring an end to the war that we have been fighting for the past nine years. Now I am not deluded into thinking that the Pakistanis feel that they owe us any thing because we are providing them with financial aid and I am sure that our state department isnt either. I think that they realize that providing financial aid to the Pakistanis is just a means to an end. We know that money wont endear us to them but it does take money to conduct a military operation. It also takes money for the support that we so badly need from the Pakistanis.
We have essentially put the Pakistanis in a catch 22 situation. Their ties with the Haqqani Taliban network run much deeper than their ties with the United States. They have been allied with the Haqqanis for quite a long period of time. They will have to continue to live and deal with the Taliban long after we are gone so who do you think will have their loyalty? They have worked together for years on many sensitive projects and operations. The Haqqanis have done work for Pakistani Intelligence, and the Pakistanis have provided them with material, financial, and moral support in their efforts in the region. These ties run much deeper than any amount of money.
The ties between the Haqqanis, Intelligence, and the Government are too close and too deep for us to expect to be broken for financial gain. I have said before and I will say again that Westerners are not in touch with the Arab mindset. For example lets look at the reward on Osama bin Laden. No one has come forward even though it is a lot of money. The millions of dollars offered for his arrest is more than enough to set anyone up for life, but after many tears there have still been no takers. The Arab takes his social ties very seriously whether it is with friends or family.
Keep in mind also that it may not be in the best interest for the Pakistanis if peace and stability were the order in Afghanistan. The Pakistanis have tried for years to gain some sort of control over the Afghan government and there is no better way to do so than to train and equip insurgents to go there and fight. They have been notoriously slow to respond to US pleas for help in fighting the Taliban, especially the Haqqani network. Yes they will take all of the aid that we give them but at the end of the day they wont be in a hurry to fight the Taliban.
Confidence in the US and NATOs ability to win the war is waning so there is even less of an incentive to help us. The Taliban exerts an enormous amount of influence over the civilian population so if they are not appeased they can cause some very serious problems for the Pakistani government.
Other Arab countries in the region are not pro US which the Pakistani government also has to take into account. If they are perceived to be too willing to help us they would certainly draw the ire of their Arab brothers.
General McChrystals negative press recently did not help the situation at all. It gave the impression of a schizophrenic US trying to hold on to a lost cause. When a nations leaders are not together on one accord on a situation t reflects a serious underlying problem. Those statements are the reason that so many of our State Department officials are going to the region and stressing unity. We certainly can win the war if we change our definition of winning. We will never wipe out the Taliban so lets not try. Lets deal al-Qaeda a heavy blow and leave the area so that we can shore up our borders. Military Ring Express
We have essentially put the Pakistanis in a catch 22 situation. Their ties with the Haqqani Taliban network run much deeper than their ties with the United States. They have been allied with the Haqqanis for quite a long period of time. They will have to continue to live and deal with the Taliban long after we are gone so who do you think will have their loyalty? They have worked together for years on many sensitive projects and operations. The Haqqanis have done work for Pakistani Intelligence, and the Pakistanis have provided them with material, financial, and moral support in their efforts in the region. These ties run much deeper than any amount of money.
The ties between the Haqqanis, Intelligence, and the Government are too close and too deep for us to expect to be broken for financial gain. I have said before and I will say again that Westerners are not in touch with the Arab mindset. For example lets look at the reward on Osama bin Laden. No one has come forward even though it is a lot of money. The millions of dollars offered for his arrest is more than enough to set anyone up for life, but after many tears there have still been no takers. The Arab takes his social ties very seriously whether it is with friends or family.
Keep in mind also that it may not be in the best interest for the Pakistanis if peace and stability were the order in Afghanistan. The Pakistanis have tried for years to gain some sort of control over the Afghan government and there is no better way to do so than to train and equip insurgents to go there and fight. They have been notoriously slow to respond to US pleas for help in fighting the Taliban, especially the Haqqani network. Yes they will take all of the aid that we give them but at the end of the day they wont be in a hurry to fight the Taliban.
Confidence in the US and NATOs ability to win the war is waning so there is even less of an incentive to help us. The Taliban exerts an enormous amount of influence over the civilian population so if they are not appeased they can cause some very serious problems for the Pakistani government.
Other Arab countries in the region are not pro US which the Pakistani government also has to take into account. If they are perceived to be too willing to help us they would certainly draw the ire of their Arab brothers.
General McChrystals negative press recently did not help the situation at all. It gave the impression of a schizophrenic US trying to hold on to a lost cause. When a nations leaders are not together on one accord on a situation t reflects a serious underlying problem. Those statements are the reason that so many of our State Department officials are going to the region and stressing unity. We certainly can win the war if we change our definition of winning. We will never wipe out the Taliban so lets not try. Lets deal al-Qaeda a heavy blow and leave the area so that we can shore up our borders. Military Ring Express