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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
Vitamin B12 Linked to Lower Alzheimer’s Risk
Vitamin B12 may help protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease, according to new evidence that suggests the vitamin and an amino acid called homocysteine may both be involved in the development of Alzheimer’s.
Signs & Symptoms of Seizures in Infants
When nerve cells fire signals at an excessive speed, seizures occur; they may be set off by a head injury or birth defect that affects the chemistry of the brain. Often, seizures in babies are triggered by a high fever; this type of seizure is called febrile seizure; recurrent seizures may indicate
An Epilepsy Comorbidity to Watch Out For
Dr Andrew Wilner interviews Dr Alan Ettinger on his recent study evaluating ADHD symptom burden in adults with epilepsy.
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
The FDA's New Opioid Label Change: A 'Win-Win'
Dr. Charles Argoff discusses the FDA's recent label change on extended-release and long-acting opioid analgesics.
Clinical Cases from Johns Hopkins Neurology
What could have caused sudden ataxia in this kindergartner?
Ischemic Preconditioning and Clinical Scenarios
Cerebral ischemia resulting from cardiac arrest and stroke is a leading causes of mortality and morbidity. Can the neuroprotective effects of ischemic preconditioning improve outcomes?
Novel and Emerging Treatments in Relapsing-Remitting MS
Treatment options for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis are evolving rapidly. This article summarizes the many novel and emerging disease-modifying treatments currently in trials.
Cranking MP3 Volume May Hurt Hearing
Don't Push the Volume Too High on iPODs and Other Players, Experts Say
The Evidence for Symptomatic Treatments in ALS
While amyotrophic lateral sclerosis remains a progressive and invariably fatal disease, much can be done to improve the patient's quality of life. What symptomatic interventions are available?
Is It MS or Something Else?
Do those symptoms you’re feeling mean that you have multiple sclerosis? Learn from WebMD what else might explain the signs.
High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
Whether it's labeled high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome, the condition presents daily challenges. WebMD examines the treatments, challenges, and ways families can help.
How to Test the Sciatic Nerve
The sciatic nerve is a collection of nerve roots that exit the spine in the lower back and form the large nerve that supplies the back of the leg. Irritation of the sciatic nerve can lead to symptoms of leg pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the affected leg. This type of condition typically a
Does Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Reduce the Risk of MS?
Preliminary studies have shown a protective association between HIV--or its treatment--and the development of MS, but more research is needed to determine the significance of this intriguing link.
House Passes Stem Cell Bill, Again
The Democratic-led House has backed expanding embryonic stem cell research for the second time in a year, repeating a challenge to President Bush, who opposes the expansion.
Can Alzheimer's Disease be Prevented?
Alzehiemer's Disease has no known cure, and the secrets to preventing it are not yet known. But research supported by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and other public and private agencies offers tantalizing clues about the origins and development of AD.
What Are the Treatments for Late RSD?
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a chronic, often poorly understood, syndrome characterized by severe pain and changes in the tissues and bones. The late stage of RSD usually begins within 6-12 months of an injury and can last for years. Thi
The Fate of Medical Knowledge and the Neurosciences
Among the many aspects of culture they influenced, the Mongolian empire of Genghis Khan inspired techniques related to surgery and neurosurgery.
Treatments for Sciatic Neuroma
Sciatic Neuroma, or sciatica is common problem related to issues in the lumbar spine. Sciatic neuroma is normally diagnosed through X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans and electromyogram, which will look for herniated discs in the lower back that impinge nerves in the lower back. If you or a loved one has b