Credit Card Debt - End Your Card Debt Quickly and Efficiently Without Duress Or Paying Any Money
Even the US government is now carrying a massive $13 trillion deficit.
As an individual your lowly debt is at the bottom of the food chain, a lowly amoeba that must survive to save our country from economic disaster.
Your financial survival is paramount and you're about to learn how to change your thinking and change your life in this very brief crash course.
The very first thing you must realize is you have little money with no hope of paying off that card.
There's no point in trying to find a consolidation loan, some dumb credit counseling or other commonly used methods because you cannot pay as it is.
Borrowing more money to get a small debt reduction amount will not work.
The best strategy is to face the card debt head on and totally eliminate it on legal grounds.
This may sound to you like some radical extremist movement but nothing could be further from the truth.
If you want to see what radical and extreme is then search the term "where does money come from" and you should realize the banks have taken things to an extreme the likes of which have never been seen in the history of the world.
Now watch the news program "Frontline--the credit card game" if you want to see how you've been sucked into one of the biggest money schemes ever devised to keep you financially enslaved for at least 20 years for making a measly $500 purchase using a card.
Are you beginning to see what radical and extreme really is? Okay ameba to keep you from being eaten by the top predator in the food chain, chewed up and left financially devastated by the card debt industry, you're about to learn how to change your "flavor" so a debt collector wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole by using a defense mechanism so toxic it's hazardous to the collectors health.
It is called the rule of law.
You'll find background information for making this debt busting poison by searching the term "FTC debt video" and it's highly recommended that you watch this cartoon version of the 1966 law several times.
If you prefer to read the federal law, use the search term "Fair Debt Collection Practices Act" for the PDF version.
Debt collectors cannot legally prove you owe them any money and this is where the rule of law comes in to make you debt free.
You can easily do-it-yourself but many people have an extreme fear of the legal system which is a very bad thing.
If you don't overcome this fear and become the legal aggressor, the collector will be dragging you into court where your lack of knowledge will end your financial life.
You can find do it yourself legal courses that are so advanced yet simple and inexpensive, even an experienced attorney specializing in debt collection will tremble, sweat blood and start looking for a plastic bag to place your toxic debt in where he can bury it and have you out of his life forever.
If you don't want to go through the learning curve on legally eliminating your credit card debt there are companies that use these same advanced legal procedures with inexpensive programs that will do it for you without paying another penny on a credit card.
You have so many choices! Live life and have fun!