How to Start New Raised Garden Beds
- 1). Measure an area for your raised bed 4½ feet wide by 8½ feet long in a full-sun or shaded location, depending on the types of plants you grow. Mark the corners of your measured area with garden stakes. Loop string around the stakes to mark off the area.
- 2). Remove the grass layer from the surface of your bed area inside the string marker with a shovel. Dig the soil below the grass 2 inches deep, and break up large clumps as you go.
- 3). Arrange the four boards on the ground into a rectangular shape, with each board resting on a 2-inch side. Align the ends of your 8-foot boards so they butt up against the side edges of the 52-inch boards.
- 4). Screw two galvanized screws, evenly spaced, through the 52-inch boards and into the ends of the 8-foot boards to secure. Move the constructed frame to your dug area and set the frame directly on the bare ground.
- 5). Pack the ground around the base of the frame to fill in any gaps between soil and wood. Fill the inside of the frame with garden soil and compost. Mix the soil and compost together well with your shovel and pat it lightly to firm it enough for planting.