How to Use Two Datasets in VB

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    • 1). Launch Microsoft Visual Studio, click "New Project" from the left pane of your computer screen, and expand "Visual Basic" below "Installed Templates." Click "Windows" and double-click "Console Application" from the center of the dialog window to create a new console project.

    • 2). Copy and paste the following code to create the first "DataSet," a table, two columns, and three rows:

      Dim dataSet As New DataSet("dataSet")

      Dim table As New DataTable("Items")

      Dim idColumn As New DataColumn("id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"))

      idColumn.AutoIncrement = True

      Dim itemColumn As New DataColumn("Item", Type.GetType("System.Int32"))

      Dim row As DataRow

    • 3). Add the following line of code to create the second "DataSet:"

      Dim changeDataSet As DataSet

    • 4). Add coulumns to table and add the table to the "DataSet:"




    • 5). Add ten rows of data to the table and accept the changes:

      Dim i As Integer

      For i = 0 To 9

      row = table.NewRow()

      row("Item") = i


      Next i


    • 6). Print "DataSet" values to the Console window:

      PrintValues(dataSet, "Original values")

    • 7). Modify the table by adding new values to the first two rows, adding a new row, and adding an error to one of the rows:

      table.Rows(0)("Item") = 50

      table.Rows(1)("Item") = 111

      row = table.NewRow()

      row("Item") = 74


      table.Rows(1).RowError = "over 100"

      PrintValues(dataSet, "Modified and New Values")

    • 8). Check if the table has changes and if it does then merge changes back to the first "DataSet" and print the results:

      If dataSet.HasChanges(DataRowState.Modified Or DataRowState.Added) _

      And dataSet.HasErrors Then

      changeDataSet = dataSet.GetChanges(DataRowState.Modified _

      Or DataRowState.Added)

      PrintValues(changeDataSet, "Subset values")

      Dim changeTable As DataTable

      For Each changeTable In changeDataSet.Tables

      If changeTable.HasErrors Then

      Dim changeRow As DataRow

      For Each changeRow In changeTable.Rows

      If CInt(changeRow("Item", _

      DataRowVersion.Current)) > 100 Then



      End If

      Next changeRow

      End If

      Next changeTable

      PrintValues(changeDataSet, "Reconciled subset values")


      PrintValues(dataSet, "Merged Values")


      End If

      End Sub

    • 9). Add the following sub procedure to print "DataSet" values to the Console window:

      Private Sub PrintValues(ByVal dataSet As DataSet, ByVal label As String)

      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr & label)

      Dim table As DataTable

      For Each table In dataSet.Tables

      Console.WriteLine("TableName: " & table.TableName)

      Dim row As DataRow

      For Each row In table.Rows

      Dim column As DataColumn

      For Each column In table.Columns

      Console.Write(ControlChars.Tab & " " _

      & row(column).ToString())

      Next column


      Next row

      Next table

      End Sub

    • 10

      Press "F5" to run the program.

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