Light Bulbs, UK Regulations And The Environmental Benefits Of Low Energy Lighting
Low Energy Light Bulbs UK - How They Save On Waste
Bulbs of the traditional design rely on the principle of electricity passing through a filter. The filter heats up to such a degree when it meets resistance on the way that it glows and produces light. However, it is this process of generating heat that leads to so much waste, a factor that is redressed by the technology used in modern-day energy efficient bulbs . For example, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL's) eliminate the need for a filter altogether by relying on the reaction of a number of phosphors to create light while light emitting diode (LED) lamps rely on a much reduced amount of heat to produce light . Halogen lamps do rely on a filter but they produce more efficient light by recycling the heat they produce more effectively . Generally, these three types of energy efficient bulbs are the best known.
Energy Efficient Light Bulbs UK Are Long Last
Estimates indicate that low energy bulbs offer a minimum of 8,000 hours lamp life, which is at least ten times more than the incandescent variety, whose life span is estimated at around 1,000 hours . A very obvious benefit of this is that a significantly less amount of them will be required by each business and household. This clearly indicates that a reduced quantity of domestic and commercial waste will go to landfill. Plus, the levels of harmful emissions that are released into the atmosphere are greatly reduced by the considerably reduced levels of energy they generate, which is a positive aspect . Given the level of lighting required worldwide, it is practically impossible to quantify this impact although some have tried . Another aspect that contributes to a greener environment is that many types and brands of low energy light bulbs are suitable for recycling .
While many enthusiastic environmentalists have campaigned for a greener environment for some time now, it is now very much a non-negotiable issue in homes and workplaces. And, it is amazing that the humble light bulb can make such a hugely significant impact and why it is so important that we choose the right type.