Kids and Internet Safety
Perhaps one of the most important things that you can do is to establish rules as to the proper use of the Internet in the home. You should then stand by those rules, even making sure that you are able to see what is going on at any given time. Although most children are going to want some privacy, it is always a better idea for you to keep the computer in a public area of the home so that they are not getting into any mischief. It is also important that you regularly communicate with your children about the Internet and teach them what can be done in order to remain as secure as possible.
Another thing that you should consider doing is to monitor the websites where your children are surfing. This can be difficult, but there are programs which can assist you in doing it effectively. For example, a keystroke logger is going to be able to keep track of everything that your child is doing online. This would include any website addresses that they are typing in as well as username and passwords that they may be using. You will also be able to keep track of any chat sessions and e-mails that they are sending. Keep in mind, most children are going to consider this a serious violation of their privacy but if you get the right keystroke logger, they will never know that the program exists in the first place.
As your children get older, it is likely that they are going to want some additional freedoms when it comes to using the Internet. It is also likely that you are going to be unable to fully monitor what they are doing online, as they are going to be using their cell phones and other types of technology. There are some things that can be done, however, which will reduce the possibility of them getting into trouble. For example, insist on certain limitations, such as doing any type of financial transaction online as well as knowing who they are talking to. It is also a good idea for you to be active on the social networks that they are using as well. This will allow you to see any problems that may exist and to head them off, in many cases. Yes, it can be difficult to keep track of what your child is doing but with some work on your part and the right types of programs, you can make a difference in the safety of your child online.