Why There"s No More Imus in the Morning
In fact I haven't listened to enough of his shows to like or dislike the guy.
So why am I focusing the attention of my very first ezine entry on Imus and his situation? Because it's just the latest in a long string of double standard reactions by the liberal mutton heads out there that have driven me crazy for years.
You see it's not the insulting words that get you into trouble with today's media and left wing kooks.
What matters most to these bozos is who you are and whom you insult.
Let's take Mr.
Imus' situation and change some of the players.
For instance let's say that talk show host Al Franken said equally disparaging remarks about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
Let's also say that someone actually listened to Mr.
Franken's show so as to hear these remarks.
I guarantee you the outcome would have been completely different.
The media would have given it limited play and let it die a quick death.
Nobody would be demanding apologies and resignations.
And a whole horde of Hollywood cuckoos would be rushing do Mr.
Franken's defense with a bundle of reasons and excuses justifying his behavior.
The difference?Franken's a liberal and Secretary of State Rice is a Republican.
Therefore your rude behavior gets a pass.
Don't believe me? Let's look at some examples that have happened.
Remember Danny DeVito on The View, parading about like a monkey as his imitation of President Bush.
Oh that Danny.
Well he's a good Hollywood liberal, and besides he was hammered that morning.
That one was a slam-dunk.
Almost all Hollywood liberal boneheads insult Republican Presidents on a daily basis.
But let's look at something not so cut and dried.
Remember Seinfeld actor Michael Richards repeatedly calling a black gentleman in his audience the "N" word as well as other derogatory comments referring to slavery.
This was a hard one for the Hollywood libs.
Here you have a white man using one of the most hated words in the vocabulary at the expense of a man belonging to a minority.
However, the white man was a Hollywood liberal.
In the end there was minimal outrage, overshadowed by ready-made excuses for Richards' behavior.
And as far as I know his apology was accepted by the liberal community and he was allowed to get on with his struggling career.
This did not appear to be the case for Mel Gibson.
His insults were targeted at the Jewish community.
Like all religious groups they are not exactly a high priority for liberals to defend.
Plus, Mel had the Danny Devito excuse.
He was drunk.
He should have been able to slide on this one fairly easily.
Not so fast.
Gibson is seen by the liberal chuckleheads as a right wing guy.
His numerous apologies were never accepted by liberals, even though many Jewish people, including Rabbis did accept the apology from Mr.
If you are a right wing guy and you produce media that is deemed right wing and therefore may influence people away from the nutball ideals that the liberal media shoves down our throats, you must be destroyed.
Therefore, any slip-ups you make will be met with demands for apologies, resignations, firings and perhaps burnings at the stake.
Now as I mentioned at the beginning, I don't know much about Don Imus.
I have been told however that his views are considered mostly conservative.
This would put him in the worst category of all for surviving a stupid comment.
A conservative insulting a minority group with racial remarks.
He never had a chance.
And if he did have any little chance at all of surviving this event he completely blew it with sheer stupidity.
First of all, if you are considered right wing, never, ever make a public apology for your actions.
The liberal dumb dumbs that are demanding all of these apologies are doing so knowing full well that they have no intention of accepting any of them.
To make a public apology is like dripping blood into the shark tank.
The libs smell it and the feeding frenzy is on.
And if making a public apology wasn't stupid enough, what could have possibly possessed him to go on Reverend Al's show and make one there? Al Sharpton could care less about Don Imus except how his situation can help Al Sharpton.
There is absolutely nothing that Imus could have said or done that would have gotten any other response from Rev.
Al other than the one he got.
Sharpton simply used this situation to insert himself into the media frenzy and become a player.
Last I heard he mentioned heading some kind of half-assed committee that will decide exactly what each of us can and cannot say.
For a group of people that instantly whips out the first amendment in defense of every whacko left wing statement or action ever made, they can't wait to try and censor and suppress anything that they deem offensive.
If Imus did feel remorse for his words, as I believe he does, the only apology that he should have made was the private one he made to the team.
These were the people he insulted.
To hell with the feelings of the liberal mush heads.