Alcoholism Physical Symptoms
Do alcoholics suffer from any symptoms?The answer to that is a simple yes, remember " alcohol addiction" andi don't know of that many addictions that are any good,the problems associated are many not just physically but even mentally.
The physical symptoms when you have had a few too many everyday for a long period of time are also many.
Why people have alcohol in such huge quantities is because it givesthem an instant kick due its tendency to get absorbed more quickly from the abdominal mucosa, and that's one of the sites that show the first physical sign of alcohol.
Too much of it tends to not only put weight on your abdomen but it also slowly affects the inner lining of your intestine, destroying it and having ulcers which leads to having abdominal pains.
This is a very common physical symptom of alcohol, when absorbed it affects the CNS as well as and it a stimulant, so when the bodies of those accustomed to it do not get it they feel lethargic, have a hard time concentrating are always tired and irritated.
Another physical symptom of alcohol is red puffy eyes its common after hangovers as the blood vessels dilate, but alcoholics have permanent puffy eyes and gives them away at first sight.
Another physical symptom ofalcohol is the protruding abdomen especially in young alcoholics.
Alcoholics are mostly always have malnutrition as either they are too groggy from all the drinking that they don't eat or because whatever they consume with their drinks is just full of wasteful calories and is either fried or nuts, you do not see many having a green salad with their drinks now do you! One more common physical symptom of alcohol is PAIN, abdominal pain which can be due to the excessive deposition of fat in the liver is fatty liver which can lead to slow destruction of the fibrous tissue of liver with scar tissue and in some cases even hepatocellular carcinoma which is a form of cancer and is very painful.
Some more physical symptoms includes insomnia and alcoholics have a tough time getting to sleep and sleeping comfortably the sleep cycle is disturbed and they tend to sleep late and get up late hence disturbing the cyclical natural rhythm or inbuilt clock of human body which may lead to hormonal problems like late menstrual cycles for females and gynacomastia in males etc.
There is also a loss of sexual drive as the body is drowsed and drained and tired also an alcoholic will never be anyone's dream man or woman.
In cases of males erectile dysfunction is a common physical symptom and leads not only to embarrassment but it can have a marked psychological impact as well in females the effect of alcohol and teratogenic is well known, also females consuming high levels of alcohols have a tough time conceiving due to irregular ovulations.
This covers just the tip of the iceberg so to speak in terms of alcohol's common physical symptoms.
The physical symptoms when you have had a few too many everyday for a long period of time are also many.
Why people have alcohol in such huge quantities is because it givesthem an instant kick due its tendency to get absorbed more quickly from the abdominal mucosa, and that's one of the sites that show the first physical sign of alcohol.
Too much of it tends to not only put weight on your abdomen but it also slowly affects the inner lining of your intestine, destroying it and having ulcers which leads to having abdominal pains.
This is a very common physical symptom of alcohol, when absorbed it affects the CNS as well as and it a stimulant, so when the bodies of those accustomed to it do not get it they feel lethargic, have a hard time concentrating are always tired and irritated.
Another physical symptom of alcohol is red puffy eyes its common after hangovers as the blood vessels dilate, but alcoholics have permanent puffy eyes and gives them away at first sight.
Another physical symptom ofalcohol is the protruding abdomen especially in young alcoholics.
Alcoholics are mostly always have malnutrition as either they are too groggy from all the drinking that they don't eat or because whatever they consume with their drinks is just full of wasteful calories and is either fried or nuts, you do not see many having a green salad with their drinks now do you! One more common physical symptom of alcohol is PAIN, abdominal pain which can be due to the excessive deposition of fat in the liver is fatty liver which can lead to slow destruction of the fibrous tissue of liver with scar tissue and in some cases even hepatocellular carcinoma which is a form of cancer and is very painful.
Some more physical symptoms includes insomnia and alcoholics have a tough time getting to sleep and sleeping comfortably the sleep cycle is disturbed and they tend to sleep late and get up late hence disturbing the cyclical natural rhythm or inbuilt clock of human body which may lead to hormonal problems like late menstrual cycles for females and gynacomastia in males etc.
There is also a loss of sexual drive as the body is drowsed and drained and tired also an alcoholic will never be anyone's dream man or woman.
In cases of males erectile dysfunction is a common physical symptom and leads not only to embarrassment but it can have a marked psychological impact as well in females the effect of alcohol and teratogenic is well known, also females consuming high levels of alcohols have a tough time conceiving due to irregular ovulations.
This covers just the tip of the iceberg so to speak in terms of alcohol's common physical symptoms.