What Is the Best LCD TV Wall Mount for Your TV?
Well, there are a few choices, and you have to take into consideration your personal preferences before you purchase a wall mount. Here are a few things to look at.
Articulating Mount - An articulating wall mount is one of the best LCD TV wall mounts available. You have the choice of lowering your TV, moving it right, left, up or down.
There is a wide range of possibilities with this TV wall mount. This is a great one for a bedroom or game room, because no matter where you're at in the room, you should be able to see the TV.
Flat Mount - A flat mount simply mounts your TV to the wall like a picture. This is one of the best LCD TV wall mounts for the living area or den.
If you are placing a large TV on one wall, and don't need to worry about moving the screen, this is a great option. One disadvantage of this mount is that you won't be able to see the TV from some areas in the room like you could with another type of mount.
Tilting Mount - A tilting mount is great for a TV that is in a high location. If you will be looking up at the television, you can tilt the screen down for a better view.
There is a disadvantage to this mount, and that is that you are only able to tilt up and down, not left and right. So, it may be hard to see the TV if you're off to one side.
Swivel Mount - With a swivel mount, your LCD TV mount will move right to left in an arc fashion, giving you a chance to see the television from the side.
However, the screen will pivot as well, allowing for greater viewing from one side or the other. This is one of the best LCD TV wall mounts for an area where you move around a lot, such as an exercise room, kitchen, or play room.
Choose the wall mount that is best for you depending upon what your needs are. Decide which room the TV will be in and go from there.
Amy J is technology lover who has reviewed the best LCD TVs and shares the results on her website Best LCD TV [http://www.bestlcdtv.thebestreview.net]. Visit and discover what you should know before you buy.