Basic Facts About Fluoride
People who have problems with their teeth and their smiles would directly be considering fluoride as one of the oral health problems remedies especially as a teeth whitener. Ordinary toothpastes present in your homes claim to contain fluorides. On the other hand, majority of homes in the United States have been utilizing public water systems which a fluoridated. This depicts that in your search for sources of fluoride, you need not look far and beyond because it is ubiquitous.
Fluoride has been debated upon by concerned individuals all over the globe because of health problems associated with its use and ingestion including birth defects, uterine cancer. Gastrointestinal disorder, lowering of IQ levels especially to children, weakening of the immune system and acute poisoning. As more cities in the United States have disregarded the inclusion of fluoride in public water systems, more and more countries worldwide have also expressed their opposition to the substance. These countries are China, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Belgium and the Netherlands.
It is not only the public water systems that fluoride has been incorporated in but also to best teeth whitening product that has been used for oral health regimens in dental clinics and most homes. But recent studies have found out that humans could be exposed to so many products that may have been produced through fluoride use. Virtually, almost all foodstuffs have been known to contain fluoride. Fish and tea leaves contain elevated levels of this substance. On the other hand, processed foods mainly contain fluoride because of the water used to produce them.
Moreover, dental products for whitening teeth contain fluoride at 100 to 1500 g/g concentration while some products like kiddies toothpastes are produced with lower levels of fluoride concentration at 250 to 500 g/g/. Mouth rinses are designed to contain concentrated fluoride at 30 and 500 mg fluoride/litre while those mouthwash products are at 9001000 mg fluoride/litre which can be used every week or for every two weeks.
Humans do not only have the chance to acquire fluoride content through a teeth whitener but also through inhalation of airborne fluoride. Some areas in the world have coal rich in fluoride. These coals are used for indoor open fires while cooking and heating. They could also be present in some wood preservatives.
Fluoride is ingested by humans and absorbed through the stomach or the intestines. It is then distributed to the different tissues and eliminated in the urine. Eighty to ninety percent of fluoride ingested in the body of an infant is retained while only sixty percent is left in the body of an adult.
The presence of fluoride for the benefit of man is evident in almost all food products, beverages and particularly in any teeth whitening product. There have been studies showing the ill-effects of fluoride to humans thus the standard average daily intake should be observed to avoid serious complications and to be able to enjoy benefits from it. Anything in excess is bad. Fluoride is beneficial as long as you take it in according to your doctors advice.
Fluoride has been debated upon by concerned individuals all over the globe because of health problems associated with its use and ingestion including birth defects, uterine cancer. Gastrointestinal disorder, lowering of IQ levels especially to children, weakening of the immune system and acute poisoning. As more cities in the United States have disregarded the inclusion of fluoride in public water systems, more and more countries worldwide have also expressed their opposition to the substance. These countries are China, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Belgium and the Netherlands.
It is not only the public water systems that fluoride has been incorporated in but also to best teeth whitening product that has been used for oral health regimens in dental clinics and most homes. But recent studies have found out that humans could be exposed to so many products that may have been produced through fluoride use. Virtually, almost all foodstuffs have been known to contain fluoride. Fish and tea leaves contain elevated levels of this substance. On the other hand, processed foods mainly contain fluoride because of the water used to produce them.
Moreover, dental products for whitening teeth contain fluoride at 100 to 1500 g/g concentration while some products like kiddies toothpastes are produced with lower levels of fluoride concentration at 250 to 500 g/g/. Mouth rinses are designed to contain concentrated fluoride at 30 and 500 mg fluoride/litre while those mouthwash products are at 9001000 mg fluoride/litre which can be used every week or for every two weeks.
Humans do not only have the chance to acquire fluoride content through a teeth whitener but also through inhalation of airborne fluoride. Some areas in the world have coal rich in fluoride. These coals are used for indoor open fires while cooking and heating. They could also be present in some wood preservatives.
Fluoride is ingested by humans and absorbed through the stomach or the intestines. It is then distributed to the different tissues and eliminated in the urine. Eighty to ninety percent of fluoride ingested in the body of an infant is retained while only sixty percent is left in the body of an adult.
The presence of fluoride for the benefit of man is evident in almost all food products, beverages and particularly in any teeth whitening product. There have been studies showing the ill-effects of fluoride to humans thus the standard average daily intake should be observed to avoid serious complications and to be able to enjoy benefits from it. Anything in excess is bad. Fluoride is beneficial as long as you take it in according to your doctors advice.