Brazilian Artist" s Open Letter On The Amazon Deforestation

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We just celebrated the smallest Amazon Rainforest deforestation rate of the past three years: 17 thousand square kilometers. This corresponds almost to the half size of the Netherlands. We have already been able to destroy 16% of the total rainforest area, which corresponds to twice the size of Germany and three areas corresponding to the state of Sao Paulo.

We do not have a reason to celebrate it at all. Amazon is not planet's lung, but renders services to Brazil and to the world. This green vastness extending over five million square kilometers is a thermal layer generated by nature to prevent the sunrays from reaching the ground, and thus enabling the existence of the most luxuriant forest on earth, which helps to regulate the planet's temperature.

It has been tilted in its exuberance, raped by unscrupulous lumberjacks, who set its emerald coverage on fire, giving way to foreigners that humiliate the forest by planting pasture or soybean over its centenary chestnut-tree ashes. In spite of the extraordinary effort for conservation unit implementation as an alternative for the sustainable development, the deforestation continues.

Even after Chico Mendes' blood having sealed the men/nature pact, as well as the rubber latex extractor and Indian, even after the forest people alliance "for the right to maintain our forests untouched, as we need them for survival", even after several sagas full of heroism, death and passion, the Amazon deforestation continues.

As in the past, we consider the Rainforest as being an obstacle to progress, an area that has to be subdued and conquered. An enormous land stock that might be turned into low production pastures, soybean plantations and vegetable species to be used as alternative fuel or even inexhaustible wood, fish, gold, mineral and energy sources.

We are people with no responsibility at all. The deforestation and burning are symbols of our incompetence to understand the susceptibility and instability of the Amazon ecosystem and how to deal with it.

A country that possesses 165.000 square kilometers of abandoned or semi-abandoned deforested areas might double its grain production without having to fell one single tree. Without the forest the soil will be of no avail. It is urgent that we become responsible for managing our natural resources' leftover.

Thus, from our point of view, the only reasonable proceeding to diminish the almost irreversible deforestation effects, is given under 4 of Article 225, of our Federal Constitution:
"The Brazilian Amazon Rainforest (...) is a national inheritance, and its use will be performed within law requirements, which assure the environment preservation, even with regard to the use of its natural resources".

Having its enforcement to be implemented on municipal, state and federal levels, thus assuring THE IMMEDIATE INTERRUPTION OF THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON RAINFOREST DEFORESTATION. NOW!

Time has come to visualize our trees as monuments of our culture and history.



Published by Winfried Brumma
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