Facebook Network Marketing Leads - What to Do and Not Do
Many people think that you can get Facebook Network Marketing Leads and plug people in to your company.
It just doesn't work that way! I get approached on a regular basis by people asking me to join their team.
It's funny that there are SO many people trying it and I can't imagine that they are having success that way.
You need to lead with value.
I get leads from Facebook yes but I have yet to add someone to my team because I asked the to join me! If you are going to really utilize the social media you need to take action in a different way.
Aggressive recruiters are finding that people are tuning in to their ploy.
They are sales resistant.
If you want to set appointments to present your opportunity there are a few things that you need to NOT do: 1.
Do not ask people to join your opportunity: Trust me when I say that this is the wrong approach.
What separates you from the others that are asking the same thing? 2.
Do not have dollar signs in your eyes: Don't you hate it when you are talking to someone who wants your money? The best approach is to get money far from your mind when talking to prospects.
Lead with value: Give more to them than you ask in return.
I read a good book called the Go-Giver by Bob Burg.
Read it and use the 5 laws of stratospheric success on Facebook.
These laws work! 4.
Be authentic: Nothing beats you simply being you! This was the hardest transition for me.
I am constantly going back to my Facebook profile and tweaking my profile to make me more myself.
There are a lot of fakers out there! If you practice these things I am confident that you will attract Facebook network marketing leads to you.
This is much better than you trying to recruit them! By being yourself people will "know, trust and like" you.
People join people not super guru professionals! Try it, you'll see!
It just doesn't work that way! I get approached on a regular basis by people asking me to join their team.
It's funny that there are SO many people trying it and I can't imagine that they are having success that way.
You need to lead with value.
I get leads from Facebook yes but I have yet to add someone to my team because I asked the to join me! If you are going to really utilize the social media you need to take action in a different way.
Aggressive recruiters are finding that people are tuning in to their ploy.
They are sales resistant.
If you want to set appointments to present your opportunity there are a few things that you need to NOT do: 1.
Do not ask people to join your opportunity: Trust me when I say that this is the wrong approach.
What separates you from the others that are asking the same thing? 2.
Do not have dollar signs in your eyes: Don't you hate it when you are talking to someone who wants your money? The best approach is to get money far from your mind when talking to prospects.
Lead with value: Give more to them than you ask in return.
I read a good book called the Go-Giver by Bob Burg.
Read it and use the 5 laws of stratospheric success on Facebook.
These laws work! 4.
Be authentic: Nothing beats you simply being you! This was the hardest transition for me.
I am constantly going back to my Facebook profile and tweaking my profile to make me more myself.
There are a lot of fakers out there! If you practice these things I am confident that you will attract Facebook network marketing leads to you.
This is much better than you trying to recruit them! By being yourself people will "know, trust and like" you.
People join people not super guru professionals! Try it, you'll see!