Objectives of the Parts of Speech
- Smile and make eye contact when you make your speech introduction.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
Your objective at the opening of your speech is to make your audience want more. You make a first impression giving a speech much as you do at a first personal introduction, or in an interview; the first few seconds are critical. Make eye contact, and follow these six elements given by The Writing Center at Colorado State University (CSU): gain the audience's attention; make a thesis statement; identify the speech with the audience (adaptation); establish your authority; preview the main points of your speech; and, transition to the main body of the speech. - You need to get your main points across in the body of your speech.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
The objective of the body of your speech -- the substance that comes after you grab the audience with your introduction -- is to convey your main ideas or points in a logical and organized manner. You should have at least two main points; more than three can be difficult for your audience to remember and be unwieldy for you. Add credibility to your points by citing research or outside experts, and make it relevant to your audience with real-life illustrations to which they can relate. - Making a dramatic statement can help you close your speech effectively.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
Your objective at your closing is to "seal" the pieces of your speech together. Re-state your thesis you made during the introduction, and summarize it with the points you made in your body, demonstrating that you made your point. Using a quote, calling for action or making a dramatic statement or poignant analogy are all good ways to close your speech. - Do not lose sight of whether your speech is to inform or persuade.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Remembering the objective of each part of your speech is helpful as you write and organize it, but do not lose sight of the overall speech objective, which is determined by the type of speech you are giving. For example, if you are persuading someone to quit using plastic grocery bags, your objective will be different than if you are just informing them on the pros and cons of plastic grocery bags.
Remember Your Type of Speech