Fat Loss Diet - The Basics

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It is a known fact that there are almost one billion people who are overweight and three hundred million people who are obese on this planet.
They experience problems in losing weight and are unable to lose weight naturally.
Being plagued by the physical and mental side effects of being overweight, they resort to chemical products such as slimming pills and drugs.
Unfortunately, none of these measures are effective in the long run.
These chemicals even cause other greater side effects and chronic diseases mainly cancer.
Being overweight or obese can prove detrimental to our body system.
It exponentiates our risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and cancer.
The list of diseases that can be triggered by being overweight seems to be almost endless.
Well, now that we know being overweight is not an option we must learn and understand the basics of keeping a healthy fat loss diet in order to lose weight quickly and effectively.
Forget chemical methods as they will indeed burn a hole in our pocket and the side effects can be very harmful to our body system.
Let us focus on traditional methods - exercising and having a fat loss diet.
In this article i will focus on 3 basic facts that will help us achieve an effective fat loss diet.
Firstly, never leave water out of your fat loss diet.
Water accounts for 60 to 70 percent of our body and is the basic substance needed for metabolic processes in the human body.
Water is truly the magic potion to weight loss and increased health.
Unfortunately, a majority of people are walking around severely dehydrated.
Hectic work schedules and tight, rigid regimes are factors responsible for this common occurrence.
The lack of water causes them to suffer from many negative side effects like hunger, headaches, constipation, and digestive discomfort.
Without enough water, our body's metabolism will be affected.
Consequently, the body will not be able conduct efficient burning of fats.
This will indeed slow down weight loss drastically.
All these symptoms and effects can easily be resolved by a few cups of water.
Hence, make it a point to drink half of our body weight in ounces of water each day.
The second basic fact about setting up a good fat loss diet is to eat healthy food.
What do I define as healthy food? Healthy food should be fresh, nutritional, and low in saturated fatty acids.
Eating whole, unprocessed foods 90% of the time can grant a timely boost to your efforts to lose weight.
Processed food not only contains preservatives that can be harmful to our body but also has trans fat and excess saturated fatty acids.
These substances can and will affect weight loss.
Worst of all, these processed food may even result in weight gain.
Whole foods are an example of a good choice of food as it come as close as possible to their natural state.
They usually do not have added sugars, fats, and sauces.
It is also recommended to buy raw foods and cook them yourself rather than eat outside.
Consuming frozen/processed food for should also be a taboo if we are seriously thinking of losing fat on our fat loss diet.
The final tip (Basic fact) would actually be a challenge.
Want to lose weight? Try these 3 simple steps and be amazed.
Don't eat anything that is white in color.
Try naming every single food that is white and there is a high chance you should not be eating it.
Food such as white rice, pasta, bread, crackers, most cereals, flour based products, white potatoes, and pasteurized dairy and cheese are all no-no's in this fat loss diet.
(Healthy foods like cauliflower, chicken, turkey, white pork, fish are all exceptions to this rule).
WATER, only drink water.
DO NOT DRINK anything else! Coffee? Well, just to keep any possible withdrawal headaches at bay, one small cup of organic black coffee should be fine.
Remember you must drink a minimum of 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water each day (ex.
If you weigh 150 lbs, you need to drink 75 ounces) This must be done in order to really see your fats decrease.
Do not eat anything with wheat in its ingredients list.
What if it is written whole wheat? Let us put this straight, if the word starts with W and ends in T and has the letters h e a in between, you can't eat it.
This includes bread, crackers, pasta, and cereal.
Many packaged foods and snacks also contain wheat.
Thus, be sure to read the ingredients list very, very carefully.
Are ready to take on this challenge? Apply these easy fat loss rules to your own fat loss diet for the next 2 weeks and I am sure you will see amazing fat loss results in no time.
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