The Reason Why Weight Loss Isn" t Equal In Everyone
Our body is working non-stop and in order to keep functioning, it needs a constant supply of energy. This energy is derived from the food that we eat. The body breaks this food down into nutrients which are consequently converted into energy. The process of converting food into calories is known as metabolism. While the metabolism process is same in every human being, the rate at which it metabolizes nutrients is unique or different in every individual. Thus a person who has a higher metabolic rate is able to burn calories more efficiently than someone who has a lower metabolic rate.
Let us take this example, two people A and B eat the same amount of food, however A's metabolism rate is higher than that of B. In this case, A will be able to burn much more calories from the same amount of food than B. B on the other hand is incapable of burning too many calories and these extra saved calories then get converted into fat. The fat then manifests itself in the form of weight gain and thus despite both having the same food intake; the results vary.
Even studies are of the opinion that it is the body's metabolic rate that has a far greater say in weight issues than food intake. Thus it is essential that people who have a low metabolism rate take steps in order to counteract the effect. As is universal to all people wanting to lose weight, follow a proper diet and exercise regularly. Avoid oily and rich carbohydrate foods and instead have juices and foods low in calories which the body won't have much trouble breaking down. Instead of having 3 meals in a day, break it down into 6-7 small servings. This will mean that the body has fewer amounts of calories to tackle with at a given time and thus will help it to burn calories much faster.
Refrain from taking a nap immediately following a heavy lunch or dinner because sleeping time is a time when the body is trying to replenish and conserve its energy reserves. In order to achieve this, it slows down all its systems and this includes even the systems which control the metabolism rate. Thus the calories burnt during the period that you sleep are always lesser than in the time when you are awake. Thus avoid sleeping immediately after having had food.
Drugs too have been known to aid in weight loss. One can find a variety of these in the market and these can range from ones which boost the body's metabolism rate to others which prevent the absorption of fat in body. However before taking these medications, always consult the doctor to eliminate the danger of side effects. Always remember this, weight loss is a gradual process and in order to achieve sustainable results in the long run, one needs to be determined and disciplined in one's day-to-day life.