Radio Controlled Gas Boats Are Top of the Line Performers
Radio Controlled Boats come in all shapes and sizes.
But the top-of-the-line performers in terms of speed and performance are the gas boats.
These boats come with full engines that can really crank out speed.
Since the engines are larger to accommodate the gas/oil mixture tanks, the boats themselves are larger, sometimes up to 5 feet long.
There are pros cons to owning these boats so let's review a few of them.
Gas boats tend to be more expensive than either their electric or nitro brethren, often times topping $1,000.
However, the devil is in the details.
The gas is cheaper to purchase than the nitro-methane mixture required in nitro boats.
Also, the gas boats will run longer on a tank of gas.
So over the long term, the boats may actually turn out to be a less expensive alternative than the nitro models.
These boats are heavier and have design efficiencies built into them to be able to handle rougher water surfaces.
Where lighter nitro boats may not be able to handle wakes without flipping, gas boats will often times slice right through them with ease.
Hull designs and stabilizing features make this a boat built for continuous performance at high speeds.
Water Space Requirements.
Make no mistake.
You must have a larger body of surface water to be able to operate these models efficiently.
Ponds, pools and really small water bodies won't cut it.
They simply move too fast! Lakes and in some cases ocean racing are ideal.
This rule is particularly true for competitive racing.
Product Availability.
Whereas the lower tier toy grade and electric rc boat models have a lot of manufacturers offering plenty of product availability, the higher performing models really are limited to a few manufacturers.
They are Megatech, Traxxas and Venom.
There are certainly others, but these three deliver the broadest product offerings.
The gas boats, like the nitro counterparts, must be maintained.
Their engine parts must be tended to and replaced when necessary.
Also, depending on where you operate your gas boats, they may need to be tuned accordingly.
Operating on lake surfaces at altitude will require special tuning for peak efficiency, just like a full sized speed boat.
This is an unfortunate by product of the gas boats.
They are loud, which is why often times a larger body of water will help dissipate the noise.
They need to be operated within allowable noise ordinances and with a view towards polite sharing of outdoor water bodies.
Gas boats require a level of skill to handle them.
The combination of size and speed can be potent in the wrong hands.
Certainly some experience with hobby grade electric models is warranted before stepping at the controls of one of these finely tuned boats.
However, once mastered, the experience is unmatched.
A lot of serious rc boat enthusiasts prefer the gas boats to either nitro or electric due to the performance that can be squeezed out of these boats.
The fuel is easy to get your hands on and over the long haul will be cheaper to operate.
Price is a valid concern and these boats should be considered investments and not one time shots at having fun only to be shelved and never use again.
But the top-of-the-line performers in terms of speed and performance are the gas boats.
These boats come with full engines that can really crank out speed.
Since the engines are larger to accommodate the gas/oil mixture tanks, the boats themselves are larger, sometimes up to 5 feet long.
There are pros cons to owning these boats so let's review a few of them.
Gas boats tend to be more expensive than either their electric or nitro brethren, often times topping $1,000.
However, the devil is in the details.
The gas is cheaper to purchase than the nitro-methane mixture required in nitro boats.
Also, the gas boats will run longer on a tank of gas.
So over the long term, the boats may actually turn out to be a less expensive alternative than the nitro models.
These boats are heavier and have design efficiencies built into them to be able to handle rougher water surfaces.
Where lighter nitro boats may not be able to handle wakes without flipping, gas boats will often times slice right through them with ease.
Hull designs and stabilizing features make this a boat built for continuous performance at high speeds.
Water Space Requirements.
Make no mistake.
You must have a larger body of surface water to be able to operate these models efficiently.
Ponds, pools and really small water bodies won't cut it.
They simply move too fast! Lakes and in some cases ocean racing are ideal.
This rule is particularly true for competitive racing.
Product Availability.
Whereas the lower tier toy grade and electric rc boat models have a lot of manufacturers offering plenty of product availability, the higher performing models really are limited to a few manufacturers.
They are Megatech, Traxxas and Venom.
There are certainly others, but these three deliver the broadest product offerings.
The gas boats, like the nitro counterparts, must be maintained.
Their engine parts must be tended to and replaced when necessary.
Also, depending on where you operate your gas boats, they may need to be tuned accordingly.
Operating on lake surfaces at altitude will require special tuning for peak efficiency, just like a full sized speed boat.
This is an unfortunate by product of the gas boats.
They are loud, which is why often times a larger body of water will help dissipate the noise.
They need to be operated within allowable noise ordinances and with a view towards polite sharing of outdoor water bodies.
Gas boats require a level of skill to handle them.
The combination of size and speed can be potent in the wrong hands.
Certainly some experience with hobby grade electric models is warranted before stepping at the controls of one of these finely tuned boats.
However, once mastered, the experience is unmatched.
A lot of serious rc boat enthusiasts prefer the gas boats to either nitro or electric due to the performance that can be squeezed out of these boats.
The fuel is easy to get your hands on and over the long haul will be cheaper to operate.
Price is a valid concern and these boats should be considered investments and not one time shots at having fun only to be shelved and never use again.