Eating to Lose Weight - How to Lose Weight Successfully
To be blunt, weight loss is really about calories in and calories out.
How many calories you eat and how many calories you burn.
Most of us who are overweight have got this out of balance.
We eat more calories than we burn.
The result is that the energy we consume that we don't use, is stored as fat.
Eating to Lose Weight - How to Lose Weight Successfully I recently came across someone who had a long-term weight problem.
Gradually over time, she educated herself on what food she should eat and watch you should avoid.
She had a very healthy diet, but she found it absolutely impossible to lose weight.
Her conclusion was that her problem lay in her genes.
She was destined always to be overweight.
There was nothing that could be done to help her.
When she was asked how many calories she consumed every day, she came up with a very detailed list which amounted to just over 1600 calories.
With this sort of diet there was no way she should have been overweight particularly as she had been eating this way the some time.
In order to get to the bottom of the problem, a blood sample was taken and analysed to find out how many calories she was actually consuming on a daily basis.
The result was frightening.
She wasn't consuming 1600 calories, she was consuming 3500 calories.
Her overweight problem was nothing to do with her genes, but to do with the fact that her portion sizes were far too big.
The food that she was eating was good healthy food.
The quantity was she was eating was disastrous.
Once she started to eat the right quantity of food, she started to lose weight.
This just goes to show how important it is to get your portion sizes right.
In nearly every case, we eat far too much.
Eating to lose weight starts with portion control.
If you get this right then it will make losing weight so much easier.
How many calories you eat and how many calories you burn.
Most of us who are overweight have got this out of balance.
We eat more calories than we burn.
The result is that the energy we consume that we don't use, is stored as fat.
Eating to Lose Weight - How to Lose Weight Successfully I recently came across someone who had a long-term weight problem.
Gradually over time, she educated herself on what food she should eat and watch you should avoid.
She had a very healthy diet, but she found it absolutely impossible to lose weight.
Her conclusion was that her problem lay in her genes.
She was destined always to be overweight.
There was nothing that could be done to help her.
When she was asked how many calories she consumed every day, she came up with a very detailed list which amounted to just over 1600 calories.
With this sort of diet there was no way she should have been overweight particularly as she had been eating this way the some time.
In order to get to the bottom of the problem, a blood sample was taken and analysed to find out how many calories she was actually consuming on a daily basis.
The result was frightening.
She wasn't consuming 1600 calories, she was consuming 3500 calories.
Her overweight problem was nothing to do with her genes, but to do with the fact that her portion sizes were far too big.
The food that she was eating was good healthy food.
The quantity was she was eating was disastrous.
Once she started to eat the right quantity of food, she started to lose weight.
This just goes to show how important it is to get your portion sizes right.
In nearly every case, we eat far too much.
Eating to lose weight starts with portion control.
If you get this right then it will make losing weight so much easier.