Do You Really Need Plans To Build A Shed? The Truth About Shed Plans And Whether You Need Them
It seems like everyone is trying to sell you a shed plan and offer advice on how to build a shed.
Do you really need plans to build a shed? If you have lots of experience with woodworking and construction, perhaps you can wing it.
Let's face it, if you've built complex structures like houses in the past, you probably have a good idea what's involved in building a shed.
The thing is, even if you have experience, the creativity and ideas contained in a set of shed plans will almost certainly outweigh what you have in your mind from experience.
Think of it like this: The best chef in the world will almost always have dozens, if not hundreds of cook books and clipped recipes in their kitchen (perhaps hidden in a drawer!) to draw inspiration from and to fall back on when their experience sometimes fails them.
Even if you have an idea of what kind of shed you want to build, you might not be considering all your options.
You can either make a trip over to the hardware and lumber store and pore over a few books on sheds (if you can find them) or you can fire up your web browser and start your search online.
The only problem is then you are back where you started.
You'll be looking at so many results and opportunities, you'll likely be overwhelmed.
When trying to answer the question of "do you really need plans to build a shed?", the answer is a definitive yes.
It doesn't matter how much experience you have or how creative you are.
It simply cannot hurt to have a blueprint or two in front of you when you are in the planning stages.
When the time actually comes to start building, it is going to go much more smoothly if you have taken the time to prepare and can follow a quality set of shed plans as you go along.
Don't let your ego get in the way of whether you really need plans to build a shed.
When your shed is built and built well, nobody is going to know that you followed a plan.
They are going to see a quality structure that is the envy of your friends and neighbours that will last for years to come.
Isn't that what matters?