How to Make Ceramics Using Molds
- 1). Prepare the mold by making sure it is clean and dry. You can add a thin coating of dish soap to the inside of the mold for easier removal of the ceramic. Put the two pieces back together with straps or large rubber bands to hold it together.
- 2). Mix the dry clay slip with water, according to package directions, in the bucket. Make sure you make enough to fill the mold. Stir well with the wooden spoon. Maintain the moisture content for the desired thickness of the ceramic. There are different thicknesses you can choose from, so follow the directions on the package of clay slip.
- 3
When you have achieved the desired consistency of the pourable ceramic, slowly pour the liquid into the mold. Do not make the walls of the clay any thinner than approximately 3/16 inch. - 4). When the correct thickness of the walls is complete, pour out the excess slip, clean off the opening of the mold and let set about 30 minutes.
- 5). If it feels sticky, do not remove the mold. If dry, remove the straps and gently take one side of the mold apart. Allow to dry another 30 minutes.
- 6). When completely dry, remove the mold and you can either now let the molded clay air dry, or you can put the shape in the oven on 300 degrees for 30 minutes. When completely dry, paint or glaze as desired.