How to Do Yoga for Tight Hips
- 1). Gather two large pillows and place one on each side of your body. Lie down on the floor on a yoga mat. Make a diamond shape with your legs so that your knees are resting on the pillows. Place the soles of your feet together. Adjust the cushions as necessary to get the right support.
- 2). Pull your knees into your chest. Roll over onto your left side and come up to a seated position. Spread your legs outward so that they form a "V" shape. Place your hands behind you and gently scoot your pelvis forward. Use your hands to push upward and straighten your spine.
- 3). Bring your legs back to center. Come up onto all fours. Bring your right foot forward into a lunge posture. Place both hands on the yoga mat beside your front foot. Lean forward slightly, increasing the bend in your right knee and intensifying the stretch in your left hip flexor. Move forward only as far as is comfortable. Repeat this yoga posture on the other side.
- 4). Return to all fours. Lean backward so that your knees are bent, your lower torso is resting on your thighs and your forehead is on your yoga mat. Place your arms on the floor in front of you and relax completely.
- 5). Turn your toes under. Place your hands on the mat and lift your hips upward. Come to a standing posture. Spread your legs across your yoga mat. Point your left foot outward, your right foot inward. Raise your arms so that they're parallel to the floor. Lean to your left, keeping your spine as straight as possible. Place your left hand on a yoga block or on your left shin or ankle. Come up and repeat the yoga posture on the other side.
- 6). Come down to all fours again. Pull your right leg forward. Place the outer portion of your right lower leg on the yoga mat. Gently move your left leg backward. Get your left thigh as close to the mat as possible without straining. Push your body upward with your hands to straighten your spine. Relax into this yoga posture to intensify the stretch. Come up and repeat the posture on the other side.
- 7). Lie down on your back with your arms and legs spread out. Relax here for up to 10 minutes.