Why You Must Employ The Automated Services Of An Autoresponder In Your Home Business!
If you have an online business and you do not use this powerful marketing tool, then your business will suffer.
An autoresponder is like a secretary who takes care of all the customer service issues your company may be handling with the clients.
However, this time around this 'secretary' is needed only when you are online to ease the stress of always being in front of your computer to handle customer services issues.
Let's say you have a product that you sell online.
If you set up an autoresponder to automatically send out a receipt and a download page once an order is successful, it will ease your problem greatly, however in some cases even at the implementation of all these, there may be some customer service issues that may be handled by you in person.
Imagine a customer arrives at your website, place an order for a product, he gets the receipt and download page, but the download page says that he needs a PDF to read the e-book.
If the customer does not know what a PDF is and doesn't have anyone around him who knows, the next thing he does is email you.
What if you are on a few days vacation when this happens, do you think the customer would hold on till you are back? Well, there may be complaints and possibly request for refunds if the issue is not attended to at once.
You can actually use the power of an autoresponder to avert this.
If at the end of the e-book download page, you include an autoresponder email address that handles possible problems, the customer could easily send an email and get an automated response on the Frequently asked questions from customers and use answers provided to help himself.
In the case that he finds no answer to his questions, if he emails customer support and the automated autoresponder tells him he will receive a reply in 24 - 48 hours, there is every likelihood that he will wait to that time when you will actually reply in person.
It therefore goes that you need to use autoresponders as a must for your business to succeed.
To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here: Build A Downline!