How to Locate Missing Assets
- 1). Go to the courthouse or house of records of the county in which the person who owns the asset lives. You will need the real name and identity of the person. It is not unusual for people to put assets in a relative's name, which makes it difficult to trace ownership.
- 2). Gather intelligence. Find out where the person works and what he does for a living. Find out his income, because that income and property can be used against other missing assets. If the person you are looking for is purposely trying to escape a debt, it may be more difficult to find a paper trail.
- 3). Request a civil search from the local courthouse if you believe the deed to the asset (real estate) may have been legally transferred.
- 4). If you are looking for assets owned by someone who is deceased, check the National Death Index in the state where the individual died. Go to your local courthouse for specific details. You will need to know if a will existed. If one exists, it will be on file at the courthouse.
- 5). Contact the company or organization that issued the security (stock or bond) if the loss is an investment. Check multiple names, as the company may have changed names or merged over the years.