VOA Drug Treatment
- The first phase of the Volunteers of America substance abuse program is designed to get those on drugs to detoxify in a safe, nonthreatening and nonmedical environment. After the patient has had time to detoxify, he is seen by a certified substance abuse counselor who will evaluate his needs and offer additional assistance through the VOA substance abuse program.
- VOA offers those who are recovering from recent addictions the opportunity to regain life skills and stay clean with both in- and outpatient care alternatives. With outpatient care, a drug addict can remain a part of the community, living outside of the organization's facilities but can still rely on VOA for substance abuse programs five times a day. Inpatient care revolves around intensive substance abuse programs along with job training and living assistance.
- When a substance abuser comes to VOA and she is also a parent, special consideration is taken. Because children of addicts often grow up in an atmosphere that is not conducive to growing up healthy, VOA offers these parent/child relationships a chance to heal while getting special treatment through VOA. Not only does VOA continue to treat the addiction, but they also provide parenting experience and training for addicts trying to clean up their lives.
On-Going Treatment
Special Considerations