Gone Viral: Girl Quits Her Job With A Spectacular Interpretive Dance
In September of 2013, video producer Marina Shifrin was working alone at 4:30 AM in her office at Next Media Animation, a Taiwanese company that specializes in CGI reactions to news reports. You might remember these strange animated video news reports because they go viral periodically; their Tiger Woods scandal video made the rounds online back in 2009. Apparently, Shifrin was sick and tired of her job at the Taiwan-based office, so she decided to make a video of her own.
Shifrin's clip, entitled "An Interpretive Dance For My Boss Set To Kanye West's Gone," is just under two minutes long, and it shows the twenty-three year-old woman boogying down in her empty office to Kanye's hit song while subtitles detailing why she has decided to quit appear across the bottom of the screen.
Watch Shifrin's viral video on YouTube.
The Video Instantly Went Viral
Just a few short days after Shifrin uploaded the clip to YouTube, the video officially went viral with over four million views. To date, the clip has been viewed eight and a half million times in just eight days.
Is it real?
Many web skeptics immediately voiced their opinion that this event was staged, citing Jimmy Kimmel's recent "Twerking Fail" viral video prank. This also isn't the first time that an attractive young woman has used the internet to tell off her boss. Does anyone else remember when Elyse Porterfield, the "HOPA" girl, quit her job using a dry erase board on The Chive? Porterfield's public kiss-off was revealed to be a ruse just days after the photo set gained viral attention, setting us up to question the validity of a resignation that's this cute and quirky.
However, all questions surrounding Shifrin's video have since been answered. Shifrin has spoken to the press via video conference, and she has assured us that she really did quit her job with the interpretive dance. Shifrin praised her boss for paying her salary throughout the month of October in exchange for her staying out of the office. She has also expressed her desire to move back to Brooklyn, NY as soon as possible, and she hopes to get a new job... in comedy.
Next Media Animation Responds
Just a week after Shifrin's spectacular exit, her former boss and coworkers decided to reciprocate with a dance video of their own. Using the same office backdrop and the same Kanye West song, the Next Media Animation employees counter all of Shifrin's complaints. For example, Shifrin complained in her video that there are no restaurants close to the office, forcing her to eat lunch at her desk. Her employees replied that sure, there are no restaurants nearby, but the office boasts a rooftop pool and sauna. So there.
The coworkers' video response is equally fun and lighthearted, and it's nice of them to take a moment to wish Shifrin well. They also make sure to mention that yes, they're hiring!
Bring on the Spoofs and Remakes
Naturally, this kind of viral sensation is sure to encourage lots of web users to create their own interpretive dance "I quit" videos. So far, the best parody to come out of Shifrin's video comes from HuffPost blogger and work-at-home mom Brenna Jennings. Instead of being dissatisfied with her office space, Jennings is sick of living in a household that resembles a frat house, so she made a funny video showing herself dancing to Kanye's song while she complains about the state of her messy house, from "My kid's room is a hell hole" to "My bathroom is a petri dish."
We're sure to see more funny versions of this viral video in the near future. In the meantime, you can watch Brenna Jennings' parody on YouTube.