Ways to Know If Your Boyfriend Really Loves You - Insight into His Heart
Your boyfriend says he loves and adores you. You want to believe him. After all, you're wildly crazy about him and you envision a future filled with nothing but happiness and fulfillment. There are some nagging questions at the back of your mind though. You don't always feel secure in his love for you and you sometimes even find yourself questioning whether or not he's as devoted to you as he says he is. There are ways to know if your boyfriend really loves you. Many valuable clues about what he's feeling can be found in his actions and behavior.
Here are 4 ways to know if your boyfriend really loves you:
Your needs come before his.
If you call your boyfriend up and tell him that you really need to see him because you're having a bad day, his reaction will give you a great deal of insight into where his heart is at. If he drops everything to rush over to hold you and comfort you, the man is crazy about you. If he instead tells you that he can't come because he has other plans, it's doubtful that he's feeling as connected to you as you may be to him.
Other women fade into the background.
All a woman really has to do when she's out with a man, if she's curious about where his true feelings are, is to watch him watch other women. If a stunning woman walks past the two of you and he doesn't look her way at all, he's focused on you in every way. Although most men are destined to look at other women at some point, if he keeps his eyes mainly locked on yours, regardless of who else is in the room, he's in love with you. No question.
Your family is important to him.
If your boyfriend is the first to offer to help when your family needs assistance, that's a great sign of what he feels for you. He wants to do everything he can to make their lives easier because they are the people you love. If he sits and listens to your mother drone on endlessly about what you were like when you were a young girl, he's a keeper.
Your interests are now his interests too.
You can always tell a man in love by how willing he is to do the things he just doesn't find appealing. If you tell him that you can't see him because you need to go shopping, he'll jump at the chance to go with you, even if it means following you around while you pick out a new outfit. If you have been longing to see a particular play for months and he buys the tickets and insists on taking you even though he doesn't really want to see it, he loves you very much.
Paying more attention to your boyfriend's behavior can be a window into his heart. By understanding what actions suggest he really loves you, you can take comfort in knowing that he's feeling just as close to you as you do to him.
Here are 4 ways to know if your boyfriend really loves you:
Your needs come before his.
If you call your boyfriend up and tell him that you really need to see him because you're having a bad day, his reaction will give you a great deal of insight into where his heart is at. If he drops everything to rush over to hold you and comfort you, the man is crazy about you. If he instead tells you that he can't come because he has other plans, it's doubtful that he's feeling as connected to you as you may be to him.
Other women fade into the background.
All a woman really has to do when she's out with a man, if she's curious about where his true feelings are, is to watch him watch other women. If a stunning woman walks past the two of you and he doesn't look her way at all, he's focused on you in every way. Although most men are destined to look at other women at some point, if he keeps his eyes mainly locked on yours, regardless of who else is in the room, he's in love with you. No question.
Your family is important to him.
If your boyfriend is the first to offer to help when your family needs assistance, that's a great sign of what he feels for you. He wants to do everything he can to make their lives easier because they are the people you love. If he sits and listens to your mother drone on endlessly about what you were like when you were a young girl, he's a keeper.
Your interests are now his interests too.
You can always tell a man in love by how willing he is to do the things he just doesn't find appealing. If you tell him that you can't see him because you need to go shopping, he'll jump at the chance to go with you, even if it means following you around while you pick out a new outfit. If you have been longing to see a particular play for months and he buys the tickets and insists on taking you even though he doesn't really want to see it, he loves you very much.
Paying more attention to your boyfriend's behavior can be a window into his heart. By understanding what actions suggest he really loves you, you can take comfort in knowing that he's feeling just as close to you as you do to him.