How to Troubleshoot a Sourdough Starter
- 1). Check for hooch, which is liquid resting on top of it. This is a sign your starter has been allowed to rest for a long time without being maintained.
- 2). Look for mold or discoloration of the starter. These are also signs that your starter has been neglected.
- 3). Observe your starter's other characteristics. If it is not bubbling, it is stagnant and will not make good sourdough bread. If it has been in the refrigerator for more than a few weeks, it likely needs to be revived.
- 1). Pour off all liquid -- or hooch -- resting on top of your starter.
- 2). Scrape off mold or discolored layers using a clean spoon. Be careful not to stir the starter.
- 3). Remove another small layer of the starter with a new clean spoon to ensure that all the mold has been removed.
- 4). Remove about half of your starter with a clean spoon, place it in a sealed container, and store it in the refrigerator. Mike Avery of Sourdough Home suggests doing this in case you need to try again later.
- 5). Place the rest of your starter in a clean bowl, add ¼ cup water, and stir.
- 6). Add 3/8 cup white flour, and stir.
- 7). Add ¼ cup water to your starter after 12 hours, and stir. Add 3/8 cup white flour to the starter, and stir.
- 8). Discard half of your starter after another 12 hours. Add ¼ cup water to starter, and stir thoroughly. Add 3/8 cup white flour to starter, and stir completely.
- 9). Continue the process of feeding your starter with water and flour every 12 hours, discarding half of the starter each time. Your starter should revive within two or three days; it will bubble and expand as the natural leavening processes begin to work.
Assess Problem
Revive Neglected Starter