What Roses in a Colorado Rosebed Garden Flourish in Northern Low Light?
- 'Zephirine Drouhin' or Bourbon rose is hardy in planting zones 5 to 9 and shade-tolerant.rose image by paolapi from Fotolia.com
USDA Planting Zones are assigned based on average lowest temperatures. For example, the lowest average winter temperature in Zone 3 is between -30 and -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Colorado's USDA Planting Zones are 2 through 7. Most roses will flourish in Zones 4 through 7. A few can be grown successfully in Zone 3 with good winter protection. Growing them in the low light of a northern exposure is a challenge. Planting the roses at the far east or west end of the building will allow them brief exposure to morning or evening sunshine, which will help them thrive and bloom. - Blanc Double de Coubert flowers are very fragrant.Rose image by J??rgen Remmer from Fotolia.com
Rosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert' is a hybrid rugosa rose that is hardy in USDA Planting Zones 4 through 9. It will flourish with as little as four hours of direct sunlight. This rose shrub grows to a height and width of about 5 feet. The pure white flowers are semi-double in form and 2 to 3 inches in diameter. It blooms profusely from mid- to late spring until the first frost in the fall. Removing the flowers as they fade will facilitate continued blooming. The foliage is dark green with a wrinkled leathery texture, which is where the name came from. Rugosa is the Spanish word for wrinkly. Blanc Double de Coubert grows best in a slightly acidic loamy soil with good drainage capabilities. Watering it at the base rather than from above will help to prevent foliar disease by keeping the leaves dry. Plant rose bushes 2 to 3 feet apart to allow for good air circulation, which will also help to prevent mildew and bacterial diseases. - Knock Out rose blooms are mildly fragrant.rose image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.com
Knock Out roses (Rosa Radrazz) are hardy in USDA Planting Zones 4 through 9 and will flourish with only three hours of direct sun exposure per day. This hybrid has a high resistance to disease, which gives it a distinct advantage when planted in a shady northern location--which increases a rose bush's susceptibility to disease. It is a bit smaller than Blanc Double de Coubert, reaching a height and width of 3 to 4 feet. The bright red blooms are single in form and 3 1/2 inches in diameter. The foliage is a dark purple-green color that turns burgundy in autumn. It blooms from mid- to-late spring until autumn without the need for deadheading or removing the spent flowers--they drop away naturally as they fade. This variety is also tolerant of drought conditions once it gets established. As with the rugosa hybrid, Knock Out roses prefer a slightly acidic loamy soil and should be planted 2 to 3 feet apart and watered at the base. - The Kordesii rose is a hybrid developed in Canada.wild rose image by Allyson Ricketts from Fotolia.com
The Kordesii rose (Rosa 'Champlain') is hardy in USDA Planting Zones 3 through 8. This Canadian-developed hybrid is especially winter-hardy, tolerant of shade and has a high resistance to disease. This is another smaller variety that generally grows to only 3 feet tall and wide. The bright red flowers are semi-double in form and 2 1/2 inches in diameter. It blooms throughout the spring and summer until first frost. Faded flowers should be removed to encourage continued blooming. The foliage on this variety is a dark glossy green color. Kordesii roses also grow best in loamy soil with a slightly acid pH, and should be planted 2 to 3 feet apart and watered at the base of the shrub.
Blanc Double de Coubert
Knock Out Roses
Kordesii Rose