How to Make a Loan Payment Online
- 1). Go to your lender's website and click the "Make a Payment" link.
- 2). Enter your log in information. If this is your first time making an online payment, you will need to sign up for the service. To register, you will need your account number and other identifying information that your lender asks for. Depending on the company, this may be your Social Security number or your date of birth. The website will ask you to select a password and a user name. You also may need to set up a security question for a further level of online safety.
- 3). Enter the amount that you want to pay. Select the date on which you want the payment to be processed, if your lender offers that option. Enter your credit or debit card number, expiration date and the security code on the of the card. If this is your first payment, you also may need to enter your card's billing address. Select "Make Payment" or "Submit."
- 4). Enter your bank account and bank routing number, as an alternative to using your debit or credit card. The bank routing code is the first group of nine numbers at the bottom of your check. In most cases, you may use the routing number with a savings or checking account, so that your payment is made directly from your account balance.
- 5). Save the electronic receipt that the lender emails to you or write down the confirmation number for the payment. These will serve as proof of payment in case there is a problem with processing on the lender's side.