How to Farm Cod
- 1). Apply for a business loan if necessary. You will be required to submit an in-depth business plan describing how you will make money farming cod, along with a loan application form to the bank. Wait for the bank to make a decision on your application. You can seek out private investors to fund your cod farm if you are denied a loan.
- 2). Apply for a fish farm license from your state's agriculture department. You must meet all requirements established by the state for which your cod farm will be located, as rules and laws will vary from state to state. Pay all required application fees. Receive your license before attempting to stock your farm with fish.
- 3). Purchase plastic or steel tanks from a fish farming supply company to house your cod. Build permanent tanks from concrete if you do not want to use plastic or steel. The tank should be 350 gallons so that it is large enough to support the number of fish you want to raise. Purchase a pump and filtration system that will support the appropriate gallon per minute circulation. Purchase sea salt additive from the fish supply company. Add the appropriate amount of salt to water ratio as directed by the salt manufacturer.
- 4). Purchase male and female cod from a trusted fish sales company. Eight pounds of fish can be added for every gallon of water your tank holds. Purchase cod eggs to be placed in the water along with the fish. Check the water temperature to make sure it is cold, as cod tend to spawn in colder water temperatures. Gently place to fish into the water. Document the total number of fish and their sizes. Monitor their growth and reproduction over time to ensure your farm is successful. After your first season of breeding, you will begin to see a good breeding stock of cod.
- 5). Purchase fish pellets formulated for cod from your fish farm supplier. Make sure the pellets you purchase are sinking pellets and not floating, as cod will feed from the bottom of the tank. Feed your fish one time per day in the amount directed by the fish food manufacturer. Feeding amount will vary depending on the quantity and size of the fish.