Staying safe on flights
Always opt for a larger plane. This is simply because in the case of any emergency, larger planes are better equipped to face them and have a larger survival rate. Again this does not mean that smaller planes are not outfitted for emergencies. Its simply a matter of statistics. No matter how many times you may have heard it, always pay attention to safety instructions that are given at the beginning of the flight. In an emergency it is easy to panic and forget things that you may have heard on previous flights. Make sure you know the crash positions well.
Look at the baggage that is being placed in the overhead cabin. If it is too heavy for you or for your co-passenger to lift, chances are in the case of turbulence the bin will not be able to hold it. Injuries sustained from falling heavy luggage can be quite severe. Have the luggage stored elsewhere. Also follow the basics of airlines safety - never care blacklisted objects on board, remain seated and wear your seat belt when instructed to do so. Don't drink alcohol too much, at heights this can lead to bloating and air sickness. Have the flight attendants pour you hot drinks. They are trained to handle these in an aircraft.
And last but not the least, when on flights, be attentive to a certain extent. It is good to have your wits about you when on a flight. They will really be of use in the case of an emergency. Getting on flights can be a lot of fun but one must never let down one's guard.