Things to Remember for 34 Weeks Pregnant Mothers

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The last few weeks of pregnancy are the most critical ones. The 34 weeks pregnant mothers carry a baby of around 4.5 to 5 pounds and about 18 inches long. This period marks the last phase in the baby's development. The baby continues to grow and gain weight during this period. The baby gathers fat from under the skin and takes a rounder shape.

Some of the most important systems like the central nervous system and the lungs and respiratory system mature in this period. One should remember that the lungs will begin to function only after the 37th week. This is also the time when the baby settles into the position of delivery and if she or he is not positioned with head down and bent slightly, the doctors might consider rotating the baby manually.

There are a number of important points worth remembering for the mother as well for this period. If the mom is pregnant with twins, she should be prepared to give them birth any time. Usually, the twins are born before the 37th month.

Fatigue continues to be a matter of concern for the mother during this period. Although it might not be as severe as the first trimester but it would be accompanied by pains and aches in the back, pelvic region and hip region. The overall discomfort levels grow during this period but one should be patient and believe in the fact that these discomforts will go away after the baby comes to the world.

During this period, the mothers would have to pee more often as the baby grows bigger and the head pushes against the bladder which makes it somewhat contracted and therefore it is not able to hold much waste liquid. Mothers will have to get up very often during this period and therefore it should be kept in mind that one should not suddenly get up, but take time in getting to the standing posture. This prevents the blood to accumulate in the leg region and therefore it avoids any kind of dizziness.

After this period comes the final point of the final stage in the baby's development. It is also the time of expected livery. 39 weeks pregnant mothers carry about 7 to 8 pounds in their bellies. The baby develops a new skin as the old skin sheds off. Muscle strength, co ordination and vision continue to get better but the eyes have already developed by this time. Neural system continues maturing.

Mothers face Braxton contractions during this period at regular intervals. The labor pains will grow and it is a good sign if the baby punches knees or kicks the inside of the belly, it shows signs of good activity. It should be a matter of concern and consultation if this does not happen.
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