The Trap Provoking Terrorism
Many, however, take the word of preachers and leaders to heart while conjuring up dreams that will deliver them a better life after death.
Conversing with each other they build on those hopes until all they can think about is getting to Paradise and serving their wonderful god(s).
Poverty and ignorance are the keys to this scenario although rich folk also fall into the trap.
The story of the reward and punishment in the after-life is sophisticated and supported by images and icons.
It is hard to ignore or to get away from unless one has a stronger argument to counteract it.
My debate starts with memory of reincarnation and knowledge provided by that experience.
There is no heaven or hell and gods called 'he' are make-believe.
The Great Creative Spirit of the Universe fills all of space and is that big.
It's in everyone and everything and it controls all, including terrorism and the ignorance that keeps the false gods in place.
This is the scenario that religious leaders are fighting to prevent being known.
While they maintain their ways and claims that they have the keys to heaven or paradise they have power and control.
To keep it intact means overcoming threats that might expose the truth.
That means forbidding education and keeping women as chattels rather than equals.
Although the west has taken a stand to alter this state of affairs there are still societies within it that stick to the old thinking.
Only when a nation operates with a true democratic attitude can things that oppose us be overcome.
That is something the terrorist also know and are fighting against.
Religious leaders must keep the trap in place in order to survive