Intravenous Chelation
Intravenous chelation therapy has been around for decades.
It is a well proven therapy and has been performed on more people than have received bypass surgery.
There are, of course, tremendous differences. The cost of bypass surgery has risen steadily until it now costs about $50,000 for a multiple bypass.
Intravenous chelation therapy costs about $120 per treatment, with 20 to 30 treatments recommended. When you add in costs for physical exams and vitamins, you are paying certainly less than $5,000.
The death rate on the operating table, from bypass surgery, varies from 1% to as high as 25% depending on what doctor holds the knife. The differences used to be greater, but publicity started by Thomas Moore's book, Heart Failure, forced several hospitals to transfer (rather than to report to
the police for murder) those surgeons whose death rates were too high. But, the average death rate, under the knife, is about 5%.
The death rate while undergoing intravenous chelation therapy? Zero!
How about the improvement in quality of life.
Bypass surgery patients are generally relieved from angina pain immediately. Of course they also suffer from massive trauma to the chest and some weeks in bed or without much activity while they recover from one of the most serious surgeries now being performed. But, they do eliminate angina pain.
Placebos have been known to do just as well at eliminating that angina pain. And when the heart surgeon sticks his hand in the chest cavity, behind the heart, and plucks out a nerve that sends chest pain messages to the person -- he has eliminated angina pain. Or, at least, that is HIS solution to the problem!
Intravenous chelation therapy also relieves angina pain, but it may take as long as four or five treatments. You normally get between two and four chelation treatments per week, over a period of weeks. Each treatment takes about three hours. You get a needle in your arm and a bottle of fluid hanging on a movable stand. You can easily get up to go to the bathroom while receiving the treatment. Some people sleep, others watch TV or read.
Dear Mr. Loren,
I experienced severe cramps in my left lower extremity, in the year 1988. I read a number of books on chelation; and decided to undergo treatment for the relief of my condition. After undergoing twenty treatments under the care of Dr. JLS of Maitland, Florida the cramps disappeared. I was advised to continue my appointments periodically, but, failed to do so.
While under treatment at the clinic of the doctor I met and talked with many patients who told me they were advised to undergo double and triple by-pass surgery which they refused. One of the patients was a chiropractor. They stated that after successive chelation treatments they were fully recovered, to the dismay of their heart surgeons.
A few years later, I started to experience painful cramps in my right lower extremity. I learned about oral chelation by the use of [Vibrant Life] vitamins. I have been taking the vitamins, and have no more painful cramps. I work outdoors in our citrus grove, and am very grateful for my good health which I attribute to [VL.] I am a registered nurse and therefore try to help people. I studied the value and importance of vitamins and recommend [VL] to all for a healthy life.
I heartily endorse the reading of the Book titled Life Flow One, The Solution For Heart Disease.
That was from Jane A. of Winter Park, Florida, written after she read the First Edition of this Book. There are many chelation doctors in Florida, and also in California - and there are more than 1,000 of them, spread all over the world!
One of the amazing things about chelation clinics is that you'll usually find a room with a large number of chairs where the patients sit while getting treated. I have received chelation many times. What I've observed is that THESE patients talk to one another -- a lot! They are almost all amazed at the improvement in how they feel and they want to talk to others about it. When you sit in a chelation clinic you'll hear a lot of conversations about the differences between "before chelation" and "after chelation."
How about quality of life over the next several months?
Bypass surgery patients have to take it easy for a while. Chelation patients are often playing golf after the first week.
Bypass surgery operations have to be repeated often -- about every five years. There is no discount for the second surgery.
Many chelation doctors recommend that, after the first series of chelation treatments, you get "boosters" every month, or several times per year. The second bypass will still cost $20,000+, while several booster treatments of chelation will cost a few hundred dollars.
Insurance? Well, you can guess. Insurance companies pay for bypass, depending on your coverage. Some doctors do get chelation covered by insurance, but usually the insurance won't pay for this far superior, and much less expensive treatment.
How about longevity?
Here is the biggest difference of all.
Bypass surgery patients have no change in their expected life -- compared to heart patients who had the same symptoms and don't get the surgery.
Chelation patients have a tremendous increase in their expected life, although the chelation doctors are reluctant to admit it. It turns out that intravenous chelation therapy greatly reduces the risk of cancer as well as further heart disease. The chelation treatment deals with basic sources of all illness -- the tiny particles of metal which accumulate over time and which greatly increase the production of free radicals in the body. As the interior source of free radical production is reduced, by more than one million times, the acceleration of aging stops and people generally feel much younger.
Doctors who do chelation are afraid to tell you of these benefits because they are already under attack by the drug interests, the FDA (covertly) and the AMA.
Long term studies of patients who were chelated many years ago show that they die less often of cancer and other disease than "normal" people who were not chelated.
I'm not going to write much more about this wonderful process because many other books do that job well.
I have received chelation therapy from more than a dozen different chelation doctors -- I would recommend any and all of them.
How Does It Work?
I am just as guilty as hundreds of chelation doctors in having told thousands of people that intravenous chelation therapy works because a substance (EDTA) is put into your blood stream and when it gets there it "grabs" the calcium from the walls of the arteries where it was stuck. Then, the story went, the calcium is peeled away, exposing a layer of cholesterol which "washes away," leaving another layer of calcium to be taken away by the same or a subsequent chelation treatment.
This story made sense to thousands of people who got chelation treatments and received wonderful benefits.
But, one of the problems with this story has been that biochemists and researchers knew that it couldn't be true. Knowing that a chelating substance would take the LOOSE calcium in the bloodstream far more quickly than it would "chip away" at the rock-hard calcium on the walls of the arteries, these experts knew that the story was false.
They also knew that while a chelating substance might take loose calcium out of the bloodstream, it would be more likely to take heavier elements first, such as mercury or lead, than calcium.
These chelation doctors KNEW that their treatments were "working," but they didn't actually know why!
When they were confronted by the experts on the first story, some of the fell back to the second story -- that the chelating substance removed the LOOSE calcium from the bloodstream and because the calcium content of the blood is critically important, the body then dissolved some of the calcium from the plaque stuck on the walls of the artery -- to put into the bloodstream.
That didn't work with the biochemists either!
The chelation doctors got into some heavy discussions about various theories.
I've heard many of these theories, and read all the books I could find but the one explanation which now seems most scientific to me is the one presented by Dr. Elmer Cranton in his revised Bypassing Bypass.
I won't repeat his material here, but his explanation is conceptually simple and I've already described some of it earlier.
The body gradually accumulates toxic metals and these metals do most of their damage because they cause extremely large quantities of free radicals to be produced in the body -- without themselves being "used up."
These free radicals cause the damage I've described, cause the arteries to get hardened, rigid and blocked. But, research reports that had not been widely read showed that there were people who died of heart attacks who had NO blockage in their arteries. Just the hardened arteries, without blockage, can be enough to cause a heart attack when there is a spasm (sudden tightening of some muscle) which causes a shortage of blood to the heart and the hardened arteries won't open up to allow more blood to get through.
Intravenous chelation therapy, first, removes those heavy metals, usually toxic, which cause tremendous multiplication of free radicals. This cuts out billions and billions of free radicals from even being created because the toxic metals have been removed from your body.
So, immediately all that poison being produced in the body STOPS.
Oh, there are still other sources of free radicals, but these metal molecules are so tiny that they have not been observed before, but they are fantastic generators of free radicals.
Next, the elimination of excessive free radicals allows the tissue of the arteries to start recovering, and even healing itself. Individual cells pick up calcium as they get weakened by free radicals. When there are fewer free radicals bothering them (and it helps to drink more water to fill up the blood cells), the cells can kick out the errant calcium particles.
The hardened arteries can actually start recovering some of their health as long as the calcium has not actually caused death of a cell in the artery.
You will start hearing of a large number of reports, over the next few years, coming from the more research-minded chelation doctors. I hope to include comments from them in any revision of this Book, or in my regular newsletters.
For here, and for now, let me conclude by simply saying that there is abundant evidence that "chelation works!" You find chelation patients eager to tell their friends about the treatment. Word of mouth is the most common explanation of how people hear about it.
It reverses the symptoms of heart disease and prevents cancer. These are the two biggest killers in society today.
What chelation handles is the damage caused by free radicals; the therapeutic benefit of the chelating substance in reducing free radical activity and even reversing damage that had been done by those free radicals is astounding.
Chapter 11
EDTA: ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid. EDTA was "discovered" in Germany, in the 1930's, as a part of research being done on the manufacture of synthetic rubber. One of the researchers was a German-American chemist, Frederick C. Bersworth who started manufacturing EDTA in Massachusetts. Dr. Bersworth was the early pioneer in promoting use of EDTA as a substance which would combine with polyvalent metals and thus be important in the understanding of health and disease.
There is a great deal of research on other chelating substances, including those that can be administered orally such as cysteine. Here is one such study:
Llobet JM, Domingo JL, Corbella J
Comparative effects of repeated parenteral administration of several chelators on the distribution and excretion of cobalt.
In: Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol (1988 May) 60(2):225-33
Effects of repeated ip administration of glutathione, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), ethylendiamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA), and diethylentriamepentaacetic acid (DTPA) on the distribution and excretion of cobalt were assessed in Sprague- Dawley rats. Groups of ten animals received intraperitoneally 0.06 mmol CoCl2/kg/day, three days/week for four weeks. 24 hr after the last injection, daily chelation therapy was initiated. Rats received one of the chelators or saline for 5 days. The animals were housed in metabolic cages and urine and feces were collected daily for 5 days after which time the rats were killed and the concentration of cobalt was determined in various tissues. Glutathione, NAC and DTPA significantly increased the excretion of cobalt into urine whereas EDTA, NAC and DMSA were the most effective chelators increasing the fecal elimination of cobalt. The concentration of cobalt in the various tissues was only decreased by NAC (liver and spleen) and glutathione (spleen). The observed increase in the cobalt excretion with certain chelators would suggest that increasing the duration of chelation therapy may decrease the concentrations of cobalt in tissues and hence, reduce the toxicity of the metal.
You Can Play Golf, Too!
One of my chelating doctor friends tells me that chelation works because the EDTA BLOCKS the entry of calcium into the cells. There are actually drugs, called calcium blockers, such as nifedipine and verapamil.
No matter how it works, the bottom line is that many chelation patients are older people, including men who have long earlier given up playing golf -- and who, after a few chelation treatments are back out on the fairways, playing golf. You could be one of them.
It is a well proven therapy and has been performed on more people than have received bypass surgery.
There are, of course, tremendous differences. The cost of bypass surgery has risen steadily until it now costs about $50,000 for a multiple bypass.
Intravenous chelation therapy costs about $120 per treatment, with 20 to 30 treatments recommended. When you add in costs for physical exams and vitamins, you are paying certainly less than $5,000.
The death rate on the operating table, from bypass surgery, varies from 1% to as high as 25% depending on what doctor holds the knife. The differences used to be greater, but publicity started by Thomas Moore's book, Heart Failure, forced several hospitals to transfer (rather than to report to
the police for murder) those surgeons whose death rates were too high. But, the average death rate, under the knife, is about 5%.
The death rate while undergoing intravenous chelation therapy? Zero!
How about the improvement in quality of life.
Bypass surgery patients are generally relieved from angina pain immediately. Of course they also suffer from massive trauma to the chest and some weeks in bed or without much activity while they recover from one of the most serious surgeries now being performed. But, they do eliminate angina pain.
Placebos have been known to do just as well at eliminating that angina pain. And when the heart surgeon sticks his hand in the chest cavity, behind the heart, and plucks out a nerve that sends chest pain messages to the person -- he has eliminated angina pain. Or, at least, that is HIS solution to the problem!
Intravenous chelation therapy also relieves angina pain, but it may take as long as four or five treatments. You normally get between two and four chelation treatments per week, over a period of weeks. Each treatment takes about three hours. You get a needle in your arm and a bottle of fluid hanging on a movable stand. You can easily get up to go to the bathroom while receiving the treatment. Some people sleep, others watch TV or read.
Dear Mr. Loren,
I experienced severe cramps in my left lower extremity, in the year 1988. I read a number of books on chelation; and decided to undergo treatment for the relief of my condition. After undergoing twenty treatments under the care of Dr. JLS of Maitland, Florida the cramps disappeared. I was advised to continue my appointments periodically, but, failed to do so.
While under treatment at the clinic of the doctor I met and talked with many patients who told me they were advised to undergo double and triple by-pass surgery which they refused. One of the patients was a chiropractor. They stated that after successive chelation treatments they were fully recovered, to the dismay of their heart surgeons.
A few years later, I started to experience painful cramps in my right lower extremity. I learned about oral chelation by the use of [Vibrant Life] vitamins. I have been taking the vitamins, and have no more painful cramps. I work outdoors in our citrus grove, and am very grateful for my good health which I attribute to [VL.] I am a registered nurse and therefore try to help people. I studied the value and importance of vitamins and recommend [VL] to all for a healthy life.
I heartily endorse the reading of the Book titled Life Flow One, The Solution For Heart Disease.
That was from Jane A. of Winter Park, Florida, written after she read the First Edition of this Book. There are many chelation doctors in Florida, and also in California - and there are more than 1,000 of them, spread all over the world!
One of the amazing things about chelation clinics is that you'll usually find a room with a large number of chairs where the patients sit while getting treated. I have received chelation many times. What I've observed is that THESE patients talk to one another -- a lot! They are almost all amazed at the improvement in how they feel and they want to talk to others about it. When you sit in a chelation clinic you'll hear a lot of conversations about the differences between "before chelation" and "after chelation."
How about quality of life over the next several months?
Bypass surgery patients have to take it easy for a while. Chelation patients are often playing golf after the first week.
Bypass surgery operations have to be repeated often -- about every five years. There is no discount for the second surgery.
Many chelation doctors recommend that, after the first series of chelation treatments, you get "boosters" every month, or several times per year. The second bypass will still cost $20,000+, while several booster treatments of chelation will cost a few hundred dollars.
Insurance? Well, you can guess. Insurance companies pay for bypass, depending on your coverage. Some doctors do get chelation covered by insurance, but usually the insurance won't pay for this far superior, and much less expensive treatment.
How about longevity?
Here is the biggest difference of all.
Bypass surgery patients have no change in their expected life -- compared to heart patients who had the same symptoms and don't get the surgery.
Chelation patients have a tremendous increase in their expected life, although the chelation doctors are reluctant to admit it. It turns out that intravenous chelation therapy greatly reduces the risk of cancer as well as further heart disease. The chelation treatment deals with basic sources of all illness -- the tiny particles of metal which accumulate over time and which greatly increase the production of free radicals in the body. As the interior source of free radical production is reduced, by more than one million times, the acceleration of aging stops and people generally feel much younger.
Doctors who do chelation are afraid to tell you of these benefits because they are already under attack by the drug interests, the FDA (covertly) and the AMA.
Long term studies of patients who were chelated many years ago show that they die less often of cancer and other disease than "normal" people who were not chelated.
I'm not going to write much more about this wonderful process because many other books do that job well.
I have received chelation therapy from more than a dozen different chelation doctors -- I would recommend any and all of them.
How Does It Work?
I am just as guilty as hundreds of chelation doctors in having told thousands of people that intravenous chelation therapy works because a substance (EDTA) is put into your blood stream and when it gets there it "grabs" the calcium from the walls of the arteries where it was stuck. Then, the story went, the calcium is peeled away, exposing a layer of cholesterol which "washes away," leaving another layer of calcium to be taken away by the same or a subsequent chelation treatment.
This story made sense to thousands of people who got chelation treatments and received wonderful benefits.
But, one of the problems with this story has been that biochemists and researchers knew that it couldn't be true. Knowing that a chelating substance would take the LOOSE calcium in the bloodstream far more quickly than it would "chip away" at the rock-hard calcium on the walls of the arteries, these experts knew that the story was false.
They also knew that while a chelating substance might take loose calcium out of the bloodstream, it would be more likely to take heavier elements first, such as mercury or lead, than calcium.
These chelation doctors KNEW that their treatments were "working," but they didn't actually know why!
When they were confronted by the experts on the first story, some of the fell back to the second story -- that the chelating substance removed the LOOSE calcium from the bloodstream and because the calcium content of the blood is critically important, the body then dissolved some of the calcium from the plaque stuck on the walls of the artery -- to put into the bloodstream.
That didn't work with the biochemists either!
The chelation doctors got into some heavy discussions about various theories.
I've heard many of these theories, and read all the books I could find but the one explanation which now seems most scientific to me is the one presented by Dr. Elmer Cranton in his revised Bypassing Bypass.
I won't repeat his material here, but his explanation is conceptually simple and I've already described some of it earlier.
The body gradually accumulates toxic metals and these metals do most of their damage because they cause extremely large quantities of free radicals to be produced in the body -- without themselves being "used up."
These free radicals cause the damage I've described, cause the arteries to get hardened, rigid and blocked. But, research reports that had not been widely read showed that there were people who died of heart attacks who had NO blockage in their arteries. Just the hardened arteries, without blockage, can be enough to cause a heart attack when there is a spasm (sudden tightening of some muscle) which causes a shortage of blood to the heart and the hardened arteries won't open up to allow more blood to get through.
Intravenous chelation therapy, first, removes those heavy metals, usually toxic, which cause tremendous multiplication of free radicals. This cuts out billions and billions of free radicals from even being created because the toxic metals have been removed from your body.
So, immediately all that poison being produced in the body STOPS.
Oh, there are still other sources of free radicals, but these metal molecules are so tiny that they have not been observed before, but they are fantastic generators of free radicals.
Next, the elimination of excessive free radicals allows the tissue of the arteries to start recovering, and even healing itself. Individual cells pick up calcium as they get weakened by free radicals. When there are fewer free radicals bothering them (and it helps to drink more water to fill up the blood cells), the cells can kick out the errant calcium particles.
The hardened arteries can actually start recovering some of their health as long as the calcium has not actually caused death of a cell in the artery.
You will start hearing of a large number of reports, over the next few years, coming from the more research-minded chelation doctors. I hope to include comments from them in any revision of this Book, or in my regular newsletters.
For here, and for now, let me conclude by simply saying that there is abundant evidence that "chelation works!" You find chelation patients eager to tell their friends about the treatment. Word of mouth is the most common explanation of how people hear about it.
It reverses the symptoms of heart disease and prevents cancer. These are the two biggest killers in society today.
What chelation handles is the damage caused by free radicals; the therapeutic benefit of the chelating substance in reducing free radical activity and even reversing damage that had been done by those free radicals is astounding.
Chapter 11
EDTA: ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid. EDTA was "discovered" in Germany, in the 1930's, as a part of research being done on the manufacture of synthetic rubber. One of the researchers was a German-American chemist, Frederick C. Bersworth who started manufacturing EDTA in Massachusetts. Dr. Bersworth was the early pioneer in promoting use of EDTA as a substance which would combine with polyvalent metals and thus be important in the understanding of health and disease.
There is a great deal of research on other chelating substances, including those that can be administered orally such as cysteine. Here is one such study:
Llobet JM, Domingo JL, Corbella J
Comparative effects of repeated parenteral administration of several chelators on the distribution and excretion of cobalt.
In: Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol (1988 May) 60(2):225-33
Effects of repeated ip administration of glutathione, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), ethylendiamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA), and diethylentriamepentaacetic acid (DTPA) on the distribution and excretion of cobalt were assessed in Sprague- Dawley rats. Groups of ten animals received intraperitoneally 0.06 mmol CoCl2/kg/day, three days/week for four weeks. 24 hr after the last injection, daily chelation therapy was initiated. Rats received one of the chelators or saline for 5 days. The animals were housed in metabolic cages and urine and feces were collected daily for 5 days after which time the rats were killed and the concentration of cobalt was determined in various tissues. Glutathione, NAC and DTPA significantly increased the excretion of cobalt into urine whereas EDTA, NAC and DMSA were the most effective chelators increasing the fecal elimination of cobalt. The concentration of cobalt in the various tissues was only decreased by NAC (liver and spleen) and glutathione (spleen). The observed increase in the cobalt excretion with certain chelators would suggest that increasing the duration of chelation therapy may decrease the concentrations of cobalt in tissues and hence, reduce the toxicity of the metal.
You Can Play Golf, Too!
One of my chelating doctor friends tells me that chelation works because the EDTA BLOCKS the entry of calcium into the cells. There are actually drugs, called calcium blockers, such as nifedipine and verapamil.
No matter how it works, the bottom line is that many chelation patients are older people, including men who have long earlier given up playing golf -- and who, after a few chelation treatments are back out on the fairways, playing golf. You could be one of them.