Learning to Use Email Templates
Being able to come up with an excellent template design that meets the needs and demands of your target recipients will surely take you to greater heights in online marketing.
While you can definitely come up with visually creative designs, these will not guarantee that you will catch the critical attention of your target audience.
In choosing effective email templates, you need to have a basic understanding of the tricks and simple tips about email templates.
Random choosing is never an option as this will have serious consequence on your over all marketing strategies.
Tip 1: Adding images onto your HTML based email templates can have several setbacks.
As you feel that your template really needs to have images on it, the best thing that you can do to ensure that people will not have a hard time viewing them is by adhering to the set web standards particularly in terms of image size and resolution.
Also note the fact that there are email browsers that do not display images found on email messages.
If you happened to placed and integrated your text information directly onto your image, your recipient may not be able to read them if the email browsers they are using are unable to display images.
Tip 2: CSS codes are undeniably the best means to create a visually attractive and dynamic page but it may not always be good for email templates.
Similar to using images, not all email browsers are compatible with CSS codes.
As a result, your templates created with CSS codes may not be displayed properly.
This therefore renders your message less effective.
Specifically to email templates, it is always better to use tables as your alternative to CSS when you want to create an HTML template.
Tip 3: Plain text version of HTML based email templates has its benefits and repercussions also.
Most of my mentors who are web developers and social media experts recommend a simple and clear approach to doing online marketing.
This includes using plain text to communicate with target recipients.
They, however, noted that one must be careful in placing too much textual information in a single message.
Lengthy messages often discourage people from reading all the way to the end of the message.
As a solution, it is always better to place the brief and concise information of a particular topic.
You can easily add link on your message just incase your recipient wants to read further.