Meindling (Germany)

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Meindling is a complicated Linearbandkeramik(LBK) site located in the loess hills of Lower Bavaria in Germany, associated with the La Hoguette group. Radiocarbon dates from the LBK settlement date between 6030 and 6380 RCYBP. There is also a smaller Hallstatt component to the site.

Cultivated plants found in the LBK levels (as seeds and/or impressions on pottery) included emmer wheat, einkorn wheat, lentil, peas, linseed, and poppy.

Wild plants include hazelnut, apples, and strawberry. Herbs included chenopodium, nightshade, and polygonum.

Two poppy seeds (Papaver setigerum) were found, in two different pits on the site. Poppy is native to the western Mediterranean basin. Both examples date to the Younger Bandkeramik.

The site was excavated by P.J.R. Modderman in the 1990s.


This glossary entry is part of the Guide to the Linearbandkeramik and the Dictionary of Archaeology.

Bakels, C. C. 1996 Fruits and seeds from the Linearbandkeramik settlement at Meindling, Germany, with special reference to Papaver somniferum.Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 25 55-68. Free download
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