President Elect Obama and Change
Today we stand at a crossroad, a cross road of change.
We must choose to keep doing things the way we know,or seek to change that which may be uncomfortable for us, yet necessary to create a better world.
Change doesn't happen quickly unless we are in pain.
This is true for our countries, for our families, and for ourselves.
Change won't happen easily.
It is inevitable that the more we seek to create change, the more it stays the same.
I suppose it's part of human existence that we make ourselves small when we can be great.
We believe everyone else should change, while we continue to operate the same way we have always known.
It's easy to view how others can change, it's not easy to view it in ourselves.
Sometimes we need an object.
We need to see it, project our hopes, our dreams, our aspirations onto the object.
We need an object that can be molded, shaped, and moved, and the best place to begin to bring about change is within ourselves.
How do we see the change we need to create in ourselves so that we can live a better life for ourselves, our families and our community? The Teddy Bear is a perfect tool, and the MeBear Family is a tool developed just for this purpose.
Through projections onto a safe, appealing object, we gain a fresh new perspective ideal for creating change.
If you would like to learn more about how you can create change through a teddy bear, I invite you to my website.