Society And Culture In Contemporary China

101 18

The Essay will examine some of the views put forward by the Chinese government a reported in two Chinese dailies. Thereafter, the legitimacy of these views shall be examined and a reasonable inclusion made on the matter.

The analysis will focus on Tibet related news given the fact that thy have been the object of international attention. There is a very tense relationship between the Chinese government and the Tibetan people although one should not assume that this is a new phenomenon. In fact, the conflict between the two groups spans over a period of two hundred years. Tibet's history dates back to 127 BC and beyond. At that time, Tibet was an independent country with its own military and spiritual leaders. However, 20th Century, China overthrew Tibet and this was where the violence began. in the year 1959, the Chinese government discharged Tibet's spiritual leader known as the Dalai Lama from the country as he is now exiled in India. (Japan Times, 2008)

Analysis of News reported by the China Daily and Xinhua

In the month of March, there were violent protests in the Tibet's Lhasa region. This meant that the entire world focused on China and Tibet in that Month. It is very interesting to note that the Chinese government decided to deal with other news occurring throughout the world and only left a small portion of the china daily for their report on the Tibet protests. (China Daily, 2008)

The Chinese government asserted that there was a third force behind the recent incidences in Lhasa. They believe that the third force is the exiled Dalai Lama. They claimed that this spiritual leader organized group that had prepared way before time for the incidences that occurred in March., they also asserted that the manner of execution denoted the fact that there was indeed a mastermind behind the violent protests.

Additionally, the report went on to describe the negative effects of the protests; they referred to the nature of destructions such as burning property and buildings, wanton destruction of properties, lootings and beatings.

It is also interesting to note that the China Daily tried to bring out the fact that the Tibetans condemned the protests. This report mentions the ethnic groups in Tibet and asserts that they all rally behind the Chinese government's view.

Analysis of the report made by the People's Daily called Xinhua indicates the fact that the Chinese government has granted all ethnic groups regional autonomy. In the report, the Director of a Committee called Ethnic Affirms Committee affirms that regional autonomy is one of the backbones of the Chinese political systems. The report brings out the following issues;
  • There are 5 autonomous regions in China
  • 155 autonomous areas
  • 120 autonomous counties
  • 44 autonomous areas deal; with minority tribes
  • There are 55 minority tribes

The daily reports that China has granted autonomy for over fifty years. The result of these actions was the rapid increase in social and economic progress in those areas. The report claims that autonomy covers sixty-four percent of the country's vast geography. (Xinhua, 2008)

Additionally, the report puts forward the fact that there will be an exhibition for the Tibet people. This exhibition will be held by the Chinese governmement and seeks to bring out some of the latter's opinion about the Tibetan past. It will give material on the history of the Tibetan people from earlier times to present day.

Purpose media intended to serve

The Chinese government laid out the report in a way that favors them. The violent protests were an indication that the Tibetans were unhappy with Chinese rule. This was an issue that none of them highlighted. Additionally, the government was also quick to point an accusing finger at another party even without adequate evidence. For instance, they claimed that the Dalai Lama was behind the protests yet they had no tangible evidence to validate these claims.

The news highlights show that the media was used as propaganda tool by the Chinese government. First, most people in other non-Tibetan regions have grown up believing that Tibet is apart of China. The government of the day has always painted a positive image of the situation and the Chinese themselves may not see any form of controversy between Tibet and their government. By pointing fingers at other parties, the Chinese government was trying to dodge the spotlight. It seems it has been effective at doing this since most reports in the China Daily portray the Chinese government as an innocent party. (New York Times, 2008)

The Chinese government intended on showing that Tibet is indeed part of China and that nay sort of unrest was sparked off by some hooligans or by ‘terrorists'. This is a prominent feature in most government articles. Additionally, the government has passed the same message on other media outlets such as television concerning Tibet. They would like their mainstream citizen s to believe that Tibet enjoys a harmonious realionship with the government and that any negative events are usually acts of hooliganism among a few individuals.

The Xinhua report about the autonomous regions is in direct contravention of the protests held by the Tibetan people. The Chinese government is trying to bring out the fact that there is no need for Tibet to protest because they have already provided all the issues they are demonstrating against. The purpose of this report was to legitimize Chinese efforts and to undermine other minority claims.

Surprising features in the media presentations

One should note that the Dalai Lama always looks for a middle way in nay sort of negotiations. Consequently, some of the accusations labeled against this spiritual leader do not hold water. As if this is not enough, the so-called mastermind of the group was not even in the country; he is in exile and India. Therefore masterminding any protests would be a rather daunting task for him given his circumstances.

Even the nature of the pictures found on the newspapers gives a serious indication of the report's intent. Photos of happy people from the majority tribes cover the newspaper. despite the fact that there were serious protests and problems in the Tibetan region, the government chose to deviate from the main issue by choosing people who seemed happy and busy with their daily activities. This is an indication that the government is trying to create a picture perfect scenario of the Tibetan question. This is quite a common approach use by the Government; they try hiding the real issues by focusing on positive aspects alone. (Times of London, 2008)

In the Xinhua report, it is quite surprising that the government has their own version of what they consider as an autonomous region. The government is quick to add that these autonomous political systems have caused economic and social progress. One can see how the government is trying to indicate that it has already done so much for the ethnic groups in the country.

Additional secondary material about the issue

As one can see from the above idea, the Chinese government has not addressed the real issues behind the problems in Tibet. They have instead used their official newspapers to hide them. International analysts actually criticize the Chinese government for their position on the Tibetan Issue.

The Japan Times reports that Tibet has been a distinctly Buddhist region; this is a situation that has prevailed as early ax the eighth century. However, after the Chinese government took over,. They have been trying to control Tibetan leaders. This is indicated by the fact that they interfere in the process of choosing their spiritual leaders despite the fact the Chinese government takes on an atheist stance. (Japan Times, 2008)

The New York Times covered the Lhasa protests in a very different light from the government owned Chinese dailies. They indicate al the bloodletting activities that occurred in the Lhasa region. (New York Times, 2008) They also criticize the way Chinese police handled the March protestors. Additionally, the London Times also adds to this perspective. They followed up events after March and reported that paramilitary police attacked local Tibetan Buddhist followers. In this report, there are claims that eight people died after protesting against the raid in the monastery. They asserted that the raid was conducted in order to deter followers of the Dalai Lama by confiscating the pictures of this spiritual leader. (Times of London, 2008)


Government owned newspapers play propaganda functions. One can see this through the China daily report. The Tibetan protests caused the International world to criticize the Chinese government about their Tibetan position. However, the Chinese government was trying to cover these facts by pointing fingers. Government representatives sent to Tibet have not handled the situation well but these problems were hidden from the Chinese public. Consequently, there are no problems relating to


China Daily (2008): Dalai Lama Behind Sabotage, China Daily Newspaper, 15th March 2008

New York Times (2008): Rioting in Lhasa, retrieved from accessed on 6th June 2008

Times of London (2008): Chinese paramilitary raid Tibetan Monastery, retrieved from accessed on 6th June 2008

Japan Times (2008): Tibeatsn and their spiritual leaders, retrieved from accessed on 6th June 2008

Xinhua (2008): China to hold Tibet exhibition, retrieved from accessed on 6th June 2008
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