An Intelligent Approach To School Fundraising
Regrettably, because of this, favorite programs and many sports activities have had to be ended.
Concerned parents as well as others have come forth with the idea of school fundraising.
In past years, when money was needed for band uniforms, a football trip, or another activity, parents came forth with bake sales, raffles and dinners.
This interested the school members, the parents and the children and the money required was raised.
The fact is, a lot more funds are necessary today and it must be collected quickly.
There are certain approaches to raising money for assorted causes.
Schools are one cause that will produce a good response from the community when they are approached in the right manner.
Merely sending a note home with a student will not work.
The first thing that must be carried out is to identify a specific thing that the cash is going toward.
If it is equipment for the playground, to reinstate a sports program, or carryout a certain building repair, that must be identified before anything is started.
The next thing is getting an interested group together.
Generally such an event begins with the meeting of a few people who are concerned with the school and its needs.
This is the beginning of a good working team.
In addition to the original group, some influential and well-known people in the community could be invited to join in.
These people not only have community connections, they can frequently get reduced prices for necessary supplies.
Everyone should know they are welcome to be a part of the group and that their ideas and comments are welcome.
Working with other people on an important event like this sometimes results in long term friendships.
Allowing everyone to provide ideas, talking things over and having people volunteer to do various event tasks is a rewarding experience.
To make an event like this successful, a lot of marketing should be done, a location identified, supplies and various necessities gathered.
Utilizing the newspaper, local television, large signs throughout the area, posters and pamphlets are excellent approaches to present the event to the public.
When arranging a dinner often there is the question as to just how much to charge.
It should be a sensible amount but sufficient to generate a profit.
Look at other community dinners and find out what the going rate is.
Events having activities that can be experienced by everyone are always welcomed by the community.
One example is a Halloween haunted house with food along with other events to celebrate the occasion.
There should always be a donation box at any event for individuals who would like to offer a little more.
Students are very good advertisers.
If they're personally involved in an event, by being told what it is all about and being allowed to make signs and posters, they'll bring the message home to their friends and family and acquaintances.
The old approach to raising school money by selling magazines and other stuff door to door is not only not as effective as it once was, but may be dangerous too.
Many thousands of dollars have been raised for schools through effective school fundraising and, if approached correctly, you will have the entire community eager for the next event.
This not only helps the school but also offers a valuable bond between the community and the school, which is the cornerstone for being successful in human relations.