What Are the Different Ways to Quit Smoking?

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Nicotine is an extremely addictive drug and the majority of smokers know exactly how hard this drug is to give up.
Nonetheless, many people still manage to kick the smoking habit each year even if it takes them two or more attempts to do so.
The secret to quitting smoking, of course, is knowing which of the many different ways to quit smoking suits you best as an individual.
First and foremost you have to actually want to stop, or you will soon be tempted to light up a cigarette at the first opportunity, using any excuse you deem suitable.
There are many reasons you may have made the decision to stop, several of which are likely to be health related.
From putting wrinkles on hold and freshening up your breath to preventing the more serious threats of heart disease, lung caner and ultimately premature death are some of the reasons most people decide to improve their lifestyle by quitting smoking.
So how are you going to go about stopping? On today's market you will find many different ways to quit smoking, or to help you on your way at least.
It's really all about finding some kind of substitute for your bad habit and this can come in the form of nicotine patches to place on your body and special gum to chew.
Some people have such super self control they can tell themselves they have had enough of smoking and the negatives it brings and they can achieve success at quitting smoking by sheer determination alone.
They take themselves through the cold turkey stage, which for most is not a pleasant ordeal, but ask them how good they feel a few months or even weeks later and they will tell you without any hesitation that they feel "absolutely fabulous".
However, this method does not work for everyone and different ways to quit smoking should be considered by those who do not feel strong enough to do it on their own.
As far as different ways to stop smoking are concerned, the use of hypnotherapy works for many.
It is totally natural and all about re-educating your brain to think you do not need to smoke so you are no longer going to.
You would be forgiven for thinking that this is an expensive way to quit smoking, but when you compare the cost of this treatment to what you are already spending on cigarettes, you will find this is not the case.
Whichever of the many different ways to quit smoking you choose, there are things you can do to help yourself through the withdrawal period.
For example, keep yourself busy; find new hobbies and activities to take up your time.
Walking and breathing in all that fresh air will not only be healthy for you but if you have a dog, he or she will really be your best friend, especially on the other end of a leash! Without giving up your entire social circle, be selective about whom you spend your time with, and put temptation out of your way by trying to avoid your friends who smoke, at least in the early stages of quitting smoking.
You never know, they may soon get the message and make an effort to stop too and you will be able to give them plenty of advice about different ways to quit smoking.
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