Road Rage - How Can We Protect Ourselves From Violent Motorists?
Why couldn't they have just waited until I went past them? And then as if that isn't bad enough, they slow down when they get in front of me, causing me to slow down and my temper to rise.
Sure I get mad.
I cuss them out and blow off some steam and feel like ramming into the back of their vehicle.
But I don't and I never will.
But many people can't seem to let it go when they get mad at another motorist.
Everyone is in such a hurry.
Everyone is over-stressed.
Sometimes it just takes one little incident to set off the wheels of motion that have been rolling around inside a person's head.
Tempers flare, people get hurt and even killed.
All because...
someone irritated someone else with their vehicle or made a rude gesture or whatever.
Sometimes someone will get in a car after an argument with a spouse and take out their aggression on the road and anything that gets in the way.
Vehicles can be deadly weapons and someone who is already filled with rage isn't going to have to go too far to enter the "road rage" category.
It is unfortunate for anyone who gets in the way of such a bomb waiting to explode.
For those of us who would like to respond back to someone who makes us mad on the freeway, someone who is intentionally driving aggressively, looking for trouble, we need to stop and think about the realities of what can happen.
- Every year at least 1500 men, women, and children are seriously injured or killed in the United States due to traffic disputes and altercations.
- There are literally thousands of mentally and emotionally disturbed people driving vehicles on the highways.
Combining anger, fear or frustration with drugs and alcohol can mean a deadly altercation could occur over a seemingly trivial situation. - Millions of motorists carry firearms, knives, clubs and other weapons in their vehicles, but the ultimate deadly weapon is the vehicle itself.
Some drivers have actually been known to intentionally plow their motor vehicle into a crowd of people, killing and injuring many. - Anyone can become an aggressive driver regardless of age, sex, race, or financial status.
Give the other driver the benefit of the doubt.
Try to assume that the person who just cut you off didn't do it intentionally and certainly not personally.
Be polite, take a deep breath, and let it go.
Don't let someone else's actions control your emotions.
Ask yourself, "how many times have I done that to someone else?" before reacting to someone else's mistake.
Ask yourself if it is worth the possible devastating outcome if you were to react to an aggressive driver.
Split-second actions taken on impulse without stopping to think can ruin the rest of your life.
Sometimes it is easy to feel like a road warrior when behind the wheel of a vehicle encased in metal armor.
Avoid giving in to that illusion.
Cars are not bullet-proof, you can be followed home by someone you enrage, and you have to get out of your car at some point.
You don't want someone there waiting for you.
Avoid any conflict if possible.
Take a deep breath.
Try to be more tolerant and forgiving.
Recognize the triviality of traffic disputes compared to what is really important in life.
Save your strength, energy and possibly your life for something really worthwhile.