How to Fish for Salmon With Jigs From a Dock
- 1). Tie a three-way swivel to the end of the main line using a clinch knot. An illustration of the knot is linked in Resources below.
- 2). Connect a length of leader line about 18 inches (regular fishing line cut to the desired length) to one of the remaining loops on the three-way swivel, using a clinch knot.
- 3). Tie a jig to the other end of the leader line. Chartreuse (greenish-yellow) jigs are effective for catching salmon.
- 4). Cast the line from the dock and allow the jig to sink to the bottom. Watch the line in the water. If the line begins moving in the direction of the current, it means the jig is not holding the bottom. Reel in.
- 5). Tie a second length of fishing line from the third loop in the three-way swivel to a pyramid sinker. The distinctive pointed shape of the sinker helps it bite into the riverbed to hold the line in the desired spot in fast water.
- 6). Cast the jig and allow to sink to the bottom. Reel in slack line and twitch the rod tip occasionally to jerk the jig off the bottom so it can flutter down again in imitation of a baitfish in distress.