How to Ward Off Panic Attacks
It is the fear of a panic attack that brings one on more often than not, and not the actual fear of the situation that you are in.
They can be like a self fulfilling prophecy, so you need to get to the core of why you are suffering from this syndrome and take steps to eradicate it.
A panic attack can initially be triggered by something quite trivial, but in your mind that trivial incident becomes a huge problem in your mind, it is blown out of all proportion so that the mere thought of it is bringing you out in a cold sweat.
The first step to take is to realise the fact that you are over dramatising situations, so that you can step back and make a rational decision on this.
Once you realise that you are being completely irrational then the next step is to eradicate the harmful thought processes that are behind this.
Sit down in a quiet room and try to contemplate your panic attacks, and why they occur, and tell your inner voice that they are irrational responses which are not going to happen again.
Tell yourself firmly that it is out of the question to keep having these bouts of anxiety for no reason.
Make a pledge that if you ever feel any form of panic you can use your new found control to sweep these feelings away.
You are now going to become a confident, relaxed person, who lives completely in the moment and does not pander to any useless thoughts that try to impinge on your being.
you now know how to ward off panic attacks, and they are not going to affect you in any major way ever again.