Why You Can"t Get a Bigger Penis!
There are probably two main reasons why you can't get a bigger penis.
You are either using a method that just won't work, or if you have a method that works, you are not giving it 100% effort! Increasing your penis size is not an easy thing to do, despite all the television commercials that make it seem effortless.
It takes dedication and patience, but it can be done.
The one thing you must be sure of is that the method you choose is proven to work.
Here are a few to avoid, and one method that has worked for centuries to increase penis length and thickness.
Male Enhancement Pills Get this one important fact firmly planted into your mind.
There is no pill on earth that can magically increase penis size! Enhancement pills may make your erections somewhat harder, but even that will be temporary.
Since harder does not equate to bigger, male enhancement pills are not a good choice for your enlargement method.
Using these pills as an enlargement method will most certainly end in failure.
Penis Enlargement Gadgets Men have tried everything from penis extenders and stretchers to vacuum pumps to try and add a little extra size to their manhood.
Not only will these gadgets fail to permanently increase size, they could be quite dangerous.
Painful blisters and bruises are common side effects from these contraptions, and even more serious injuries have been reported.
When delicate blood vessels and capillaries are damaged it is quite likely that you will be left with a deformed penis.
Permanent impotence is another possibility.
These dangerous gadgets should definitely be avoided.
You will fail to make the gains you want if this is your chosen method.
Natural Penis Exercises The only way to safely add permanent size to your penis is to follow a good program of penis exercises.
Clinical studies show that over 95% of men who use regular exercise will make nice gains to both their length and thickness.
To make these gains you will have to be dedicated, and do the easy exercises on a daily basis.
If you just do them once and awhile you will fail to gain any size.
Penile exercise is the one method that has been proven to produce actual gains, but only if you follow the routines exactly as suggested.
Using enhancement pills or silly gadgets may be why you can't get a bigger penis.
Another reason may be that you won't dedicate yourself to a few minutes each day for following a good penis exercise routine.
You can increase your size, but only if you make the necessary commitment.
You are either using a method that just won't work, or if you have a method that works, you are not giving it 100% effort! Increasing your penis size is not an easy thing to do, despite all the television commercials that make it seem effortless.
It takes dedication and patience, but it can be done.
The one thing you must be sure of is that the method you choose is proven to work.
Here are a few to avoid, and one method that has worked for centuries to increase penis length and thickness.
Male Enhancement Pills Get this one important fact firmly planted into your mind.
There is no pill on earth that can magically increase penis size! Enhancement pills may make your erections somewhat harder, but even that will be temporary.
Since harder does not equate to bigger, male enhancement pills are not a good choice for your enlargement method.
Using these pills as an enlargement method will most certainly end in failure.
Penis Enlargement Gadgets Men have tried everything from penis extenders and stretchers to vacuum pumps to try and add a little extra size to their manhood.
Not only will these gadgets fail to permanently increase size, they could be quite dangerous.
Painful blisters and bruises are common side effects from these contraptions, and even more serious injuries have been reported.
When delicate blood vessels and capillaries are damaged it is quite likely that you will be left with a deformed penis.
Permanent impotence is another possibility.
These dangerous gadgets should definitely be avoided.
You will fail to make the gains you want if this is your chosen method.
Natural Penis Exercises The only way to safely add permanent size to your penis is to follow a good program of penis exercises.
Clinical studies show that over 95% of men who use regular exercise will make nice gains to both their length and thickness.
To make these gains you will have to be dedicated, and do the easy exercises on a daily basis.
If you just do them once and awhile you will fail to gain any size.
Penile exercise is the one method that has been proven to produce actual gains, but only if you follow the routines exactly as suggested.
Using enhancement pills or silly gadgets may be why you can't get a bigger penis.
Another reason may be that you won't dedicate yourself to a few minutes each day for following a good penis exercise routine.
You can increase your size, but only if you make the necessary commitment.