Why Diets and Exercise Routines Don"t Work
Years ago when I first decided to shed some pounds and tone up I tried a variety of diets and workout routines with little to no success.
Every time I felt that I was not getting anywhere with one I would bounce to another constantly blaming the creator of the diet or workout routine.
So, after a couple years and a dozen or so diets I decided to step back and evaluate the situation.
After much thought I realized that I am the problem.
I kept jumping off the horse when things got tough or if I did not notice immediate results I would quit the diet.
Finally I decided to sit down at the computer and do one hour of research and then take whatever diet and exercise routine I found at the hours end and stick with it.
After the hour I researched and looking back at the past 2 years I realized that every one of these plans outside the extremely radical ones are relatively the same.
You could basically take 100 different diets; blind fold yourself and just point, because as long as you stick with a program you will obtain some kind of results.
Sticking with a program is the hardest part.
Every January millions of Americans decide to get in shape for a New Year's resolution and every January gym owners, personal trainers, dieticians, etc start salivating.
Over half of America is considered obese, which makes it understandable that so many people make it their New Years resolution to get fit.
Sadly, year after year the statistic is still over 50% and people still have get fit on the top of their list for the new year.
Reason being people give up, we can blame the products or diets, but step back for a moment like I did and you will see that the lack of long term dedication to a program is the problem.
One diet that has been around awhile and that has actually given me lots of success was a revolutionary plan to switch what types of food I eat each day.
Every time I felt that I was not getting anywhere with one I would bounce to another constantly blaming the creator of the diet or workout routine.
So, after a couple years and a dozen or so diets I decided to step back and evaluate the situation.
After much thought I realized that I am the problem.
I kept jumping off the horse when things got tough or if I did not notice immediate results I would quit the diet.
Finally I decided to sit down at the computer and do one hour of research and then take whatever diet and exercise routine I found at the hours end and stick with it.
After the hour I researched and looking back at the past 2 years I realized that every one of these plans outside the extremely radical ones are relatively the same.
You could basically take 100 different diets; blind fold yourself and just point, because as long as you stick with a program you will obtain some kind of results.
Sticking with a program is the hardest part.
Every January millions of Americans decide to get in shape for a New Year's resolution and every January gym owners, personal trainers, dieticians, etc start salivating.
Over half of America is considered obese, which makes it understandable that so many people make it their New Years resolution to get fit.
Sadly, year after year the statistic is still over 50% and people still have get fit on the top of their list for the new year.
Reason being people give up, we can blame the products or diets, but step back for a moment like I did and you will see that the lack of long term dedication to a program is the problem.
One diet that has been around awhile and that has actually given me lots of success was a revolutionary plan to switch what types of food I eat each day.