Maybe We Can Find a God, Somewhere
Despite what rumors might dictate...
Contrary to what the demagogues would want you to believe, there was to have been, indeed there had already been,a set of rules, of laws to be exact, to lend credence and support to a way of life and living morally and ethically superior to anything practiced by us at present.
Superior to anything given to us or fed to us by example by those people who know, or at least should know,better.
That is to say our leaders, fearless and true, who were around when the original rules had not yet been thrown out...
When they were yet still on the books.
You see, originally...
In the beginning...
There was always a God, and almost always there was His Son.
Butagain always, there were The Ten Commandments, and almost always there was The Golden Rule.
These were most often always taught in the public schools.
For a long time, people who followed and nurtured these rules, indeed, even the rules themselves - were held in lofty esteem.
It was, of course, impossible to observe the rules perfectly.
But the attainment of perfection was not the reason for their existence...
Nor was it ours.
Only that we should attempt it, this journey toward "enlightenment".
This marching, as it were, to Pretoria, was theimportant aspect.
Failure was unimportant...
Being on the correct path was what mattered.
It was crucial back then for an honorable life.
Today though, these rules, they're gone...
They've disappeared...
They've been eradicated from the memory of mankind...
The God is dead...
His Son is dead...
Their words...
Obliterated from the mind of man...
There are no rules now, there are no restrictions.
You may do as you like...
You may hurt whomever you please...
It doesn't matter anymore...
For God exists no longer - He cannot touch you, you have been saved, Hallelujah! But still, you better watch out though, watch out for the Man...
The Man with the badge...
The Man with the gun, and the club...
Yeah man, watch out.
But hey, if you get caught...
If you slip up somewhere, resist him...
Hit him, even...
And maybe he'll lose his temper - and then you can sue him for excessive force! And then you'll be rich! Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord!! For perhaps, indeed, maybe there is a God, after all!