How To Be An Internet Marketer On A Low Budget
Have you thought about becoming an internet marketer but think you need a ton of money? Well, to be completely honest with you, nothing could be further from the truth. There are so many ways to market for free or low costs. Some new marketers think they need a few thousand dollars a month to pour into advertising until they learn other avenues. We are in a time period that you can reach 50 billion people with a click of button on the Internet. You can marketet on websites, send emails, social networking sites, and so much more.
A Few Inexpensive Marketing Ideas
Article Marketing: You can write articles about the product or service you are providing. These articles can be posted online and fed out to thousands of other sites and the majority of these sites are free.
Social Networking: As we all know social networking is on fire right now! Just look at a few of them like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and others. These are all free sites that you can join and build friends and followers that you can market to. The sites are growing at an alarming rate, just sign up and make some new friends.
Search Engines: Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are a great asset to your marketing campaign. You will need to learn how search engine optimization works, its not rocket science. While there are natural ways of ranking on page one that are free (its hard to be done overnight) but with the right training its possible.
Blogs: There are many free blogging tools that are available (I personally use WordPress) the abilities are endless. With a blog you really want to give it some good love, meaning a new post every couple days. Your blog will help others get to know you and what you are like, this will attract people like you. With every blog you want links inside that take you to your money site.
Websites: Just like any other form of marketing, websites are hot! Any website you got you see the marketing, you see the banner ads, and headlines. Any website that is valuable has marketing on it and you can be part of it. While many banner ads can be low cost, I would suggest doing some investigating first.
This is what Works for Me
I have always been a coach/teacher at heart; I really enjoy teaching people how to do things. I have found what works for me is article marketing and some tutorial videos. Getting into the Internet Marketing world can be quite scary for most and honesty it has been a learning experience for me. I decided to help others by teaching them how to do different things like setting up a Twitter account and how to use Twitter to generate leads. I have made tutorial videos on how to use a URL reducer for free to help with Twitter, watch the video and youll understand. I have also wrote many articles on different subjects ranging from Home Business opportunities, step by step on how to use Squidoo account, and leadership. With all this great content I provide people I have been noticed by a few websites and have been given platinum status as a writer. You can do it also; you just have to take action and be determined to learn every day.
Make Some Friends along the Way
I have been in this business for awhile and do have to say I have built some great friendships. These friendships are with some of the highest caliber, intelligent, and friendly people you will ever meet. I currently have friends all over the world that I can talk to on Skype (also free) whenever I want. While you may have a home Internet business, its not like burying yourself in a cave and never talking to anyone ever again. My challenge to you is to go make 30 friends a day and introduce yourself, strike up a conversation, and make it count. Take action starting now!
In closing, there are many ways you can be an Internet Marketer on a low budget. Just jump on the Internet and start searching. You will be amazed at what you will find.
If there is anything that I can help you with, please dont hesitate in reaching out to me, I am always willing to help anyone become more successful in their business.