I Believe You, Now Put Down The Gun

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The Democratic Party gives away its dwindling credibility and we're taking the hit.
President Obama made a campaign promise that he would bring transparency to government on a scale never seen before in Washington.
It was one of the planks of the democrat's platform that led to his election.
Unfortunately, the only transparency that has occurred, now past the one-year mark of his administration, is that Americans are now seeing clearly that there is less transparency now than during the presidency of George Bush.
What the country is getting is a PR president, who is on television more often than Larry King.
These almost daily appearances seem to be scripted to draw attention away from the failures of his Democratic administration, rather than to transparently describe what his administration is doing.
For example, Mr.
Obama promised to negotiate health care reform in public sessions carried live on C-Span.
Don't bother to check your local listings.
The democrats, early on, went behind closed doors to negotiate in secret.
What happened in those closed sessions? Ask Pelosi and Reid and Obama...
but they won't tell you.
Getting Americans more involved in the process of government was another gleaming campaign promise.
It came in a promise to allow five days of public comment before signing bills put in front of the President.
Great idea.
That one sputtered to a halt early on, when the President made an all-out effort to urgently push through his 800 billion dollar stimulus bill as well as the 2,000 page health care reform bill.
He waved his arms and said the sky would fall if they weren't passed immediately, like in a matter of days.
This was not true.
Don't take my word for it.
Look up.
The sky is still there.
In fact, on or about February 4th, 2010, Mr.
Obama had the hubris to say he now wants to slow down the passage of the health care bill, so we all can discuss it.
And he says this with a straight face.
What was in those bills that the democrats didn't want us to know? In the case of the health care bill, lots, it seems, which has all come out over these months of debate, which the democrats did not want to see happen, no matter what they promised.
The $800 billion he did get, and where did that go? Into the pockets of "connected companies" and connected people, with virtually no discernible impact on our economy.
There are few people whistling on the way to work in the morning.
In fact, there are fewer people at all going to work, whistling or not.
Score: Democrats: 3 Credibility/America: 0 Moving along, we touch on another example of a Grand Canyon of Credibility gap, to wit, the promise to end income tax for older Americans (over 65) who make less than $50,000 a year.
That must have resulted in a large number of older Americans arranging to be wheeled to the voting place to cast their vote for the democrats.
"See, Merle, I told you that the democrats are the party of the people.
" Hopefully, no one spent any of that money they were going to save.
The next credibility crusher is the democratic promise to end no-bid contracts above $25,000.
That whopper must have turned many a corporate executive's knees to ice water.
That's what companies charge the government for a handful of nuts and bolts.
That promise got tossed out the back door of the White House at 3 AM, so no one would notice.
When Sir Barack was prancing around America on his white campaign horse named "Promised Change," he raised a touchy issue, which is the perceived loss of our personal freedoms and privacy.
Obama vowed to address government surveillance of our phone calls, web searches, and emails that the Bush administration had authorized.
Many Americans do not feel threatened by this policy, but Mr.
Obama made a promise to rescind the authorization for the FBI to employ these tactics.
He didn't and hasn't.
He just never mentions yet another broken campaign promise.
In a surprise buried at the end of a 289 page report that Wired magazine recently disclosed, "the inspector general also reveals that the Obama administration issued a secret rule almost two weeks ago saying it was legal for the FBI to have skirted federal privacy protections.
" Investigative journalist Ryan Singel revealed that the "Obama administration retroactively legalized the entire fiasco through a secret ruling from the Office of Legal Counsel, nearly two weeks ago.
" Another example of Obama saying one thing and doing another.
The Democratic Party has no credibility left on almost any issue.
The President has none either.
And the country is realizing it more and more.
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