7 Simple Techniques To Make More Sales With Your Home Business
1. The "Give Up" Strategy
The "I was ready to give up for good until something changed my life forever..." strategy tells your prospects that if they are ready to throw in the towel on gaining their desired benefit, your product could be the answer. They will assume since you were ready to give up, you totally understand their situation and would steer them in the right direction.
2. The "Gift Giving" Strategy
The "you also can send this gift to (no.) of your friends or family members..." strategy tells your prospects that you care about their friends and family too. People like to give gifts to people they love and care about. Of course, you should include your product ad somewhere on the freebie. It will send your advertising all over the Internet using a 'tell a friend' script.
3. The "Vacation" Strategy
The "see a picture of me while I was on my vacation..." strategy tells and shows your prospects personal pictures of you and the benefits they could enjoy as a result of owning your product. A vacation photo could be used for money-making products, losing weight products, cosmetic products and anything else related to a taking a vacation.
4. The "Don't Get Confused" Strategy
The "don't confuse this with (your competition's product or a type of product)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product isn't what they assume. They will want to read your sales letter to know exactly why. For example, don't confuse this with MLM, don't confuse this with the imitations, etc.
5. The "Trick Or Treat" Strategy
The "this is not some trick..." strategy tells your prospects that you aren't going to con them into ordering something they don't want by giving them a freebie. Most people in the past have signed up for free "how to" information that doesn't give all the promised benefits without them having to buy something else, like an up-sell offer.
6. The "Time Limited Recording" Strategy
The "we have received many messages from people that weren't able to make the call so..." strategy tells your prospects that you recorded the call so they could listen to it at their leisure. You could also tell them it will be up for only a few days to create more urgency for them to listen to it sooner and possibly purchase your back-end product.
7. The "Keep Dreaming" Strategy
The "just keep daydreaming that you'll (your product's benefit), which won't happen unless you take action..." strategy tells your prospects that the only way they'll gain their desired benefit is do something about it. Tell them how easily they can make their dreams come true if they just order your product.
7 Simple Techniques To Make More Sales With Your Home Business.