How to Prove a Credit Card Is Not Yours
- 1). File a police report in the city and state where the identity theft occurred. When someone opens a credit card in your name, many creditors require the police report documentation to take your complaints seriously.
- 2). Call the credit card company's fraud department and ask what documentation they need to release their creditor documentation on the account. Usually they need a copy of the police report and photo identification along with a formal request letter.
- 3). Send all documentation to the credit card company via certified mail. Once the credit card company receives the request letter, they have 30 days to give you the records, according to law.
- 4). Comb through the records looking for a signature that doesn't match yours or an address that isn't yours. This represents proof that you didn't open the credit card. Then, write the fraud department back explaining your proof with supporting evidence. For example, if the signatures don't match, send in a document with your real signature.